Nicole Scherzinger busts Conan for staring. Pussycat Doll and X-Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger was on Conan the other day, where apparently he stared at her boobs just a bit too long. What a pig!
Diora Baird is Rob Ryan's Play chart model. Short story long, Defensive coordinator of the Dallas Cowboys Rob Ryan had a picture of our favorite
green slave girl Diora Baird on his play chart. I'm sure it was just there to help "motivate" the team.
Hands on with Diablo 3. Argh Diablo 3! I forgot about you when I was putting together my video game budget for the next 3 months. Maybe if I put the family on an all ramen diet I can afford a new computer.
The 10 greatest Simpson's characters who only appear in one episode. Crackers are a family food. Happy families. Maybe single people eat crackers, we don't know. Frankly, we don't want to know. It's a market we can do without.
I just wanted to point out that Diora Baird plays an Orion Slave Girl in a deleted scene and that Rachel Nichols who is also very hot (although not so much in green and she doesn't get nekkid as often as Baird) is the Orion girl that is in the movie. That is all.
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