The FTC is calling Kelly Brook a liar. Turns out those goofy looking shoes that are supposed to help you loose weight and give you a smokin hot ass don't actually do anything. Well they did do one thing, they cost Rebook 25 million dollars in a lawsuit.
Best of the Friend-Zone Phil meme. If you can't relate to these then congratulations, you and I had a very different High School experience.
What the heck is Rosh Hashanah? Yeah that's two straight articles by pleated jeans. I don't care that dude is funny... But he's probably not Jewish, I'm no rabbi or anything but I think he got a few of his facts wrong.
The X-Men Guide to Puberty. It's funny and it makes you think. Puberty is hard enough, imagine having to go through it with a metal arm growing out of your crotch.
Grown man attacks boy over Call of Duty match. I don't think this guy should go to jail, he should be given a key to the city. Playing COD would be a much better experience if teens thought they could actually get beaten for their racist bs.
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