2013 was a bit erratic for me as far as keeping up the blog goes. The month after I had my daughter everything pretty much ground to a halt. Turns out raising kids is a HUGE time commitment. Who knew? I've done less cosplay posts this year (those take an incredible amount of time to put together) and I definitely hit my quota of single image/one sentence posts.
As you can imagine I did a lot of posts on the next generation consoles and the current state of console gaming. I also did more reviews this year than I've done in the past. Hopefully I'll get to do more of those in 2014. I used the "gratuitous use of babes" tag a lot less. That's probably why the blog was the least profitable since I've started using adsense. I believe the grand haul this year was right around $14. I figure the rate at which I'm going In about 25 years I'll be able to quit my job and do this full time.
Now without further ado, here are the top posts of the year, which is a meaningless way to look at it since the front page is by far the most popular destination and I don't do any click through stories or slide shows.
In a slightly depressing development the most popular posts in 2013 were all written in 2012 or earlier. This Comic-Con Cosplay; Special achievement in hotness edition still rakes in the hits. I'm not 100% sure why but I have a feeling it has something to do with boobs.

Avril Lavigne fighting a bear-shark? is probably the most DevilDinosaur thing on this recap. I'll miss a lot of things about 2013 but I'll miss you most bear-shark.
THE Ohio State Marching Band Dinosaur

You Are Not Going Out Dressed Like That.

The one review that I did this year that got a lot of clicks was this one for Heroes of Cosplay. I've been pretty unapologetic about watching and enjoying shows that a lot of nerds think are pandering or offensive to "nerd culture". We're living in a new nerd utopia where you can buy Spider-Man and Avengers t-shirts at every store in the mall. I think we'll be able to survive King of the Nerds season 2 (thur, Jan 23rd).

And now just for fun, here are the top 20 search keywords:
lfl (lingerie football league, of course)
devil dinosaur blog
nicole scherzinger boobs
scarlett johansson avengers
diora baird
half life episode 3
nicole scherzinger tits
soccer mom
carmella decesare
cosplay boobs
sexy star wars
alex morgan butt
kat dennings hot
superhero porn
the choice
cosplay slip
hot soccer moms
80s nerd
Nicole Scherzinger Tits? Hot soccer moms? STOYA? Am I running a nerd blog or a porn blog? Ah well, I guess these days there's not much of a difference.
2014 should be a big year. Look for more obscurities I've found on reddit while feeding my daughter at 3am, another site redesign and more stories about Hot Soccer Moms and Alex Morgan's Butt.