Showing posts with label space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space. Show all posts

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Abandoned Soviet Space Shuttles: Exploring The Unbeaten Path

I think I posted a link a while ago about the abandoned Russian Military base that still houses one of their space shuttles. If I didn't I apologize because this is kind of a cool history thing. Essentially the Soviet shuttle program was abandoned decades ago and the base was just shuttered but a lot of stuff was left in it, including an unfinished shuttle.

The base is pretty well knows but I guess it's not the easiest thing in the world to get to, there's still active Russian security keeping people out of the site. These guys from this YouTube channel I've never heard of made the trek out there and took a ton of cool footage of the base. Apparently they lost a lot of their footage but what they have is well worth taking a quick break from TPS reports.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Links, for Science!

All of Art & Science Has Culminated in Kate Upton's Zero-G Bikini Shoot. This is not click bait at all, this is your yearly reminder that magazines (specifically sports illustrated) still exist. I don't know about you but can you imagine waiting a week to receive all your sports news? A WEEK! In 2014 terms a week is forever. Ever issue might as well read as a best of the previous year. Even the swimsuit issue makes zero sense to me. Almost every picture has already popped up on imgur (more on that later this week), why would anyone actually pay to look at what's so free on the internet? Are these marketed exclusively to children that can't figure out a way to get around their parents porn blockers? That can't be that big of a market. 10-15 kids tops?

We’ve Witnessed The Greatest Pro Wrestling Entrance Ever. It Involves Giant Swords And A Velociraptor. Kazuchika Okada of New Japan Pro wrestling destroys the best Pro Wrestling entrance with the inclusion of an animatronic dinosaur. At least I assume it was an animatronic dinosaur. I guess it could have been a real one. Japan has those crazy square watermelons. As far as I can tell breeding Dinosaurs is pretty much the next step after square watermelons.

BTW, the picture above isn't from said entrance. It's just from some press conference. So animatronic velociraptor press conference is also a thing in Japan.

Horse: The Jalopnik Review. You know what's sort of ironic about horses? Most have more than one horsepower. Sure by definition a single horse should have a single horsepower but since horsepower has become a scientific measurement of power most horses have more than one. And that folks is why I'm awesome at trivial pursuit.

Nerf Zombie Strike Toy Weapons Are the Best Defense Against the Imaginary Undead Uprising. I'm a bit torn on Nerf guns. On one hand I feel like I don't really want my son playing with guns. It kind of sends the wrong message about gun safety. On the other hand kids pick up a stick and they turn it into a gun so why try and stop the tide? Maybe when he's 11 or 12 we'll take a couple gun safety courses together so that we can go hog wild on nerf guns.

Monday, November 25, 2013

NASA regrets to inform you, you're a dumbass

I wish I could find the original source of this but every link just leads to another link. I'm just going to say I found this on reddit and wash my hands of it.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A mind forever Linking

15 Ambitious Plans to Colonize the Moon I love every one of these. If I didn't have a family I'd be the first one to sign up for the floating moon base. With my luck they'd give away all the top spots to people with college degrees. Even in space work experience doesn't count for anything.

Who Actually Owns Your Favorite Beers. I guess I'm a Heineken guy. Who knew?

As the years have gone by and my digestive tract has been ravaged by all sorts of mysterious ailments I've found myself really enjoying lighter beers. Lagers and Pilsners and such. I swear I even look at an IPA and I start feeling acid reflux.

Outright Geekery’s Top o’ the Lot: Star Wars Vehicles (One-seaters). I'm trying to expand on the regular links to gizmodo, destructiod and comics alliance. Here's a nice quick article about the best single seaters in the Star Wars franchise. If you have a page worth checking out send me the link. Big Poppa Pump is your hook up.

10 Golden Age Sidekicks whose name sounds like gross sex moves. A couple of these are a bit of a stretch but most of them.. whoo boy. There is zero chance I'm looking up Sandy the Golden Boy on Urban Dictionary. Somethings you just can't unread.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cosmos is back

I'm already totes behind on posting this week. The new car has a couple bugaboos so it had to go to the shop and that means carpooling which means shorter work days which means doing more work during those work days but it still means getting home from work later because carpooling takes forever. I was going to jump all over a Comic-Con cosplay post but instead you get a trailer for the reboot of Cosmos with Neil Degrasse Tyson.

I can't believe this thing is going to be on Fox. Stations in the south are going to boycott it aren't they?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Gravity: The Movie Trailer, not the physics thing

I've been told this trailer for Alfonso CuarĂ³n’s Gravity is highly anticipated. I liked Children of Men well enough but I don't know, it didn't leave me with a "oh man I have to see more movies by this guy" vibe. Whatever though, Gravity stars George Clooney, Sandra Bullock and what looks like the international space station. The trailer is pretty effective, on paper George Clooney and Sandra Bullock floating around in space sounds a little too Saturday afternoon on ABC Family for my likes but I'll be damned if it doesn't look like an good old fashioned nail biter. Like Cliffhanger in Space...

Now there's a million dollar idea for you. Someone get Stallone on the phone, stat!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fire the Links

Internet Killed The Video Star: The Extraordinary Journey Of Adam Sessler. Even if you're not a big fan of Adam Sessler this article works as a mini history of ZDTV, TechTV and G4. Also is a pretty interesting look into how a lot of cable networks are run by morons. Good luck Esquire network. I can't wait for all those "classy" Cops reruns.

Bad Kids Jokes. LOL

Someone Please Buy This 1991 Saab. Man I am this close to giving up on my Nissan Sentra. Yesterday I started having coolant issues. If i do decide to get rid of the car I would like to think I'll come up with a super clever ad like this Saab one. Let's be honest though, I'll probably just trade it in to the dealer for a couple grand and free undercoating.

Report: Humanity Leaves the Solar System — Or Maybe Not. I knew Voyager I was still out there but I had no idea that scientists are still able to talk to it. Its literally Billions of miles from the earth and we're still getting data from it, 35 years after its launch. Oh yeah, and it just left the solar system. Science is rad.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We fixed it!

Sorry for the lack of posts. The real world is really interfering with my internet life. Here's a funny cartoon while I try and catch up.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Freeloading Links

Xbox team’s ‘consumer detector’ would dis-Kinect freeloading TV viewers. Microsoft has recently filed a patent for "Content Distribution Regulation by Viewing User". Which is a fancy way of saying they plan on turning you upside down and shaking the change out of your pockets. Essentially the kinnect would recognize how many people are in the room and make sure you pay $4.99 per head for Twilight II Electric Boogaloo. Go Science!

Great American Leaders Riding Dinosaurs. Woohoo Internet!

Call of Duty Black Ops II: The Destructiod Review. I really like this review because they acknowledge the fact that big event games like this have become impossible to review. If it's a bad score you're just a hater and can't enjoy a game based on it's merits or it's a good score and you're just a corporate shill who's looking to buddy up to the software developers for free swag.

I'll try and be honest, I think Black Ops II looks fun and if I had tons of cash and a bunch of free time on my hands I'd totally pick it up. But yeah, a COD game every year is a bit much and it's become hard to separate COD from it's frat-tastic fan base. Also Activision... ugh, amirite?

You Will Not Go To Space Today. Like I said before, Woohoo internet!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let's go Camping

I think I would go camping more if weightlessness was involved. Speaking of weightlessness, man I am high as a kite right now. This codeine flavored syrup the doctor gave me for my bronchitis has knocked me on my ass. Go modern medicine!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kent West Hill Style

Gangnam Style, Dissected. I swear I spent 2 hours this morning listening to K-pop on youtube while I contemplated quitting my job. Anyhoo, here's PSY's amazeballs video Gangnam Style. After you're done watching it and you've changed your shorts, go read The Atlantic's breakdown so you'll know what it all meant.

Also, Korean Ben at the 1:55 mark.

Why Do Some People Think Neil Armstrong Never Walked On The Moon. Right now, I can watch an entire season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on my freaking cell phone. How can anyone doubt we don't have the technology to get to the moon? How do you think they get My Little Pony on my phone in the first place? It comes from the moon, duh.

What would happen if everyone on earth stood as close to each other as they could and jumped. I don't want to ruin the surprise ending, so I'll just say the surprise ending is fantastic.

How To Prepare Your Car To Handle An EMP And Why You Shouldn’t Bother. Hold on a second cowboy, are you trying to tell me that Movies and TV have been lying to me about the power of an EMP? Have I been driving around in a 1978 Chevy Nova wrapped in tinfoil for nothing?!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Purple Haired Links

Newt Pledges Moon Base by 2020.Woo Woo you know it! I've been really bummed about the level of crazy in the Republican primaries every since Herm Cain dropped out and people stopped listening to Michelle Bachman. Thank goodness Newt promised a moon base. If I was Mitt Romney I'd immediately counter with an Ayn Randian undersea utopia.

How to Eat Food. Ugh, Candy Corn is the worst. What's it made out of anyway? Ear wax and batteries?

Ong Bak Video Game coming never soon. I'll say it, Ong Bak 2 and 3 were awful movies. When is Tony Jaa going to get it? I don't care about Elephants!

The Return of the Neo Geo. Following the traditional Neo Geo business model these handheld units will cost $800 and you won't know anyone that has one. Still that one game they had at Spaceport where you play first person as a Ninja.. man that thing is awesome!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Mind Forever Linking

Teddy Roosevelt: American Badass. Teddy was my kind of hippie. He wanted to protect nature so he could hunt and kill it. USA USA USA!

San Diego Comic Con 1988. A fascinating look at a program from Comic Con 1988, you know back when it was an actual comic book convention.

The 2011 Womens World Cup in Pictures. I'm bummed it's going to be 4 more years till I get to ogle Alex Morgan again. WPS? never heard of it.

NASA searches for Moon Trees. 20 years ago NASA sent some trees into space, when they came back they forgot about them. Sounds like the plot of the next M. Night Shamylamy movie.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Apollo 18

So this trailer hit the web last week but I missed it. It looks pretty awesome. I don't think there's a better horror sub genre than space horror. Alien, Event Horizon, Pandorum, Leprechaun in space... they're all classics.


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