Thursday, February 7, 2013

I've got my eye on you Xbox 360.2

Big "news" yesterday for console watchers. It was reported that the Sony Playstation 4 would be priced around $420 (420 dude!) and that the Xbox 360 ver 2.0 is going to jerk you around when it comes to used games. Also it's going to require a constant internet connection so Microsoft can spy on you 24/7 through the integrated kinnect hardware.

Ok, maybe that last part was me reading a little too much between the lines.

I think the price point on the Playstation sounds about right. Hell, it kind of sounds like a deal. Sure it's way more expensive than a Playstation 3 is right now, but when it launched the PS3 was what $500-600 depending on the size of hard drive? $449.99 for early adopters and by Christmas 2014 when all the good games finally hit it will be $399.99 and my Vinyl windows will finally be paid off and I can pick one up. Because.....

This constant internet connection thing is bullshit. I understand the thinking in eliminating the used game market. Console's themselves don't make a ton of cash (Sega found this out the hardway, twice), licensing is where you really make bank. The more copies shipped the more cash Microsoft or Sony or Nintendo have to swim in in their giant Uncle Scrooge like vault. If you use gamefly or buy a lot of used games you're screwed, no two ways about it. Personally, I don't care because I don't have that issue. I'm good if I actually finish 6 games a year. When don't buy a whole lot of games paying retail vs the used game market isn't going to bust my budget. In fact it might encourage me to play newer games sooner rather than later (I swear I'll get around to Bioshock II someday).

But back to the constant internet connection. Yeah, my Xbox is hooked up to my wireless router but you know what? Sometimes my internet is down, or sometimes I'm hooking up 4 xBoxes for a super awesome Halo party at Loren's cabin where the internet still doesn't exist. I never had an original Xbox and I've been very happy with the Xbox 360 but if it comes down to buying a new console that requires an internet connection vs one that doesn't,I'm picking the one that doesn't. I don't even care if it's a WiiU.


B said...

Far Cry 3 is on U Play, same issues with internet connectivity. Want to play this instant? Nope, internet is down. Lose connection in the middle of a game? You're f'ed. Only have a half hour to play? Better hope it doesn't spend 15 minutes downloading an update.

B said...

Are we really going forward?

Nintendo NES Deluxe $199
Includes: Console, two controllers, zapper, ROB, Gyromite and Duckhunt games.

Nintendo NES Action $149
Includes: Console, two controllers, zapper, Super Mario Bros and Duckhunt games.

B said...

And in inflation adjusted dollars: Deluxe $374, Action $278

kevin n. on February 8, 2013 at 8:03 AM said...

The controller thing ticks me off the most. What beancounter thought it was a good idea to ship a new console with only one controller?



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