One of the things you become keenly aware of when you have kids is how you have zero time for anything anymore. This last weekend I had 4 things on my to do list. Grocery shopping, Laundry, put together a calendar on shutterfly.com for a Christmas gift and put all the boxes I took out of the crawlspace to get to the Christmas decorations back into the crawlspace. And that's the short realistic to do list. The real to do list includes things like picking up all the rotten apples that fell from my trees and washing the bird crap off my car.
So what did we get accomplished this weekend? Laundry and Grocery shopping. To be fair we also made a quick trip to Fred Meyer to pick up my son a new pair of jeans. So I guess we got 3 things done.
Long story short, I need a time machine so that I can do important things with it like Christmas Shopping and cleaning up my basement. I promise I won't try to kill Hitler with it or anything.
edit: That makes it sound like I'm pro Hitler or something. I'm totes not. I'm just pro-time space continuum. I don't need a Tardis landing on my roof, I just really need to get those rotten apples picked up.
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