David Willis sums up the kerfuffle in this cartoon pretty well.
I get the outrage, believe me I understand nerd outrage. But part of me kind of wonders where these comic book readers have been for the last couple decades? I don't understand why it's ok for Tarot to have a haunted vagina, or Witchblade's costume to be nonexistent, but Starfire's slut turn is something to quit reading comics over.
I guess there's different standards for "mainstream" books. Again, I understand but I sort of don't all at the same time. It's fine for new fictional comic book characters to be tarted up sluts, but when you take an existing fictional comic book character and give her the X-tina "dirrrty" treatment you've gone over the line.
Sometimes the hairs nerds decide to split can be incredibly capricious (big SAT word).
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