Chief Muckity-Muck at Warner Bros Jeff Rabinov announced this morning that there are plans to reboot the Batman franchise almost immediately after The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters. Oh yeah, and they're going to make a Justice League movie. This is of course a scatterrshot sort of response to the 34 movies Marvel has planned to release over the next 4 years.
I'm glad DC finally figured out that less isn't more. More is more, dammit. That's how Dad did it, that's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far.
Ok, let's stop quoting Iron Man for a second and think about this. The new Batman franchise is supposedly going to be developed independently of the Justice League movie. That means in theory you could have a different Batman on screen every year for the next 3 years starting in 2012. What a great idea that is. How on earth can the WB think playing pin the tail on the actor with Batman is a good idea but Nic Cage superman isn't!? I'm starting to really get worried that I'm never going to get the screaming neurotic drug addled Superman I so deserve.
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