Spending two hours on a game station is equivalent to taking a line of cocaine in the high it produces in the brain," said in a Pope BBC Radio 5Live interview. "It's the silent killer of our generation."
"We're now onto second generation game station players who have always grown up with it," he added. "Computer game addiction can also spiral into violence -- as after playing violent games, they may turn their fantasy games into reality. It is the fastest growing addiction in the country and this is affecting young people mentally and physically"
He said most kids will react "in the same way as an alcoholic would if you tried to take their booze – it's scary".
via destructiod
First off, where's my game station? I'll bet it has awesome games like Bonestorm and Lee Carvallo's putting challenge. It's probably only available in Europe, thanks for nothing Sony.
Second off, this is retarded. Yes there are people completely addicted to video games there are even some people that have had violent reactions and outburst after or during game play, but they're way way in the minority. This is like saying couch cushions are the scourge of humanity because TLC had a show about some woman who couldn't stop eating them. Anecdotal evidence isn't something you can simply extrapolate into a statistical trend. This guy's talking out his ass.
Third off, have you ever tried to take anything away from a kid? My kid is going through a phase where he likes to lick the TV, if you move him away from the TV or heaven forbid turn it off, he throws a hissy like you wouldn't believe.
In conclusion don't be an idiot. Don't let your 10 year old play games rated M for mature. Don't let them stay up until 3am playing WOW. Do however tell them it's ok to punch Steve Pope square in the mouth the next time they see him. The world will be a better place for it.
I'm ok cause between my videogame addiction and my drug addiction it's like a double negative right?
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