There you are. A screen grab from the
recently released Japanese G.I Joe trailer. Obviously the guy on the right is Destro... cause remember all the times he was sporting a tie and wasn't wearing his metal mask. And if you've listened to me rant about this before you'll know the guy on the left is Cobra Commander/The Doctor. Apparently the producers of the movie thought Cobra Commander in the comics looked like to much of a bad ass, and if they didn't wuss him up enough there was no way they'd get that brain dead/Transformers 2 watching demographic that all of Hollywood is courting these days.
There's no emoticon that properly expresses how much I already hate this movie, so instead here's a quick gallery of Awesome Cobra Commander pictures.
I'd like to say that this is the last time I'm going to complain about the upcoming ass-fest that is G.I. Joe; The Rise of Cobra, but let's be honest, it's not.
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