Producers in Hollywood make a lot of crap decisions, but the jerkfaces at Fox finally got one right when they decided they weren't giving an Alien prequel the green light unless Ridley Scott agreed to direct it. The movie is based on a John Spaiht script, who I guess wowed both Scott and the studio with his pitch. The plot revolves around what actually happened on the derelict ship that Ripley and crew discovered in the first movie.
I'm pumped, I love all the alien movies even Alien3 and those horrible Alien Vs Predator movies. Studios just don't make as many cool monster/horror movies like they did in the 80s. If an alien prequel does well maybe a studio will buy the Deepstar Six prequel I've been writing. I don't want to spoil the ending but the hot chick totally lives.
big ups to io9.com on the find
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