As promised, here are some of the absolute worst cosplayers at this years Comic-Con. Big ups to
great white snark,
parka blogs, and
maximum pc.com for all these pics. I've got about half a dozen more horrible ones I might do something with tomorrow.

this guy's dad is a superstar at the cracker factory

a 3 dollar can of black spray paint could've saved this

ack! thanks for ruining all my harley quinn fantasies

have you ever seen super-girl?

nice fanny pack spidey

ugh, I want to punch everyone of these kids

finally a costume made from a cocktail napkin

are you looking for Old Western Saloon-Con?

I think this picture is molesting me

what the hell? is this discotech Batman?

naruto really needs to lay off the chalupas

spandex, a frisbee, and BMX pads don't make you Tron

repulsor ray, plastic bow, same diff

ok, this one is so bad it's awesome
The Batman one is from the R.I.P. storyline that ran earlier this year...
I've seen far worse, some arn't actually too bad.
I got to a point when putting this together that I just couldn't make fun of all the fat people in spandex. this whole list could have just been girls that shouldn't have dressed up like slave leia
It's the Batman of Zur En Arrh.
He's what you get "when you take Bruce Wayne out of the equation."
It's a secret back up personality Bruce Wayne created in case he was ever attacked psychologically and lost his mind or whatever.
So really it's actually a pretty cool choice for cosplay.
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