it's a metaphor, scientists are Megan Fox and we're the kid with the roseFirst off
NASA has decided to fire a rocket booster directly into the moon, triggering a six mile high explosion. Why? Because landing on the moon is for suckers. So buy those flood pants while you still can. They're going to be impossible to find after the Moon's been destroyed and we're all standing in 8 inches of water because the tides are all screwed up.
Secondly, computer programmers at the The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Symposium (I'm guessing there's a lot of cosplay) have decided to
program an AI that will wage a 'fake' nuclear war. So if we're not all crushed to death by little bits of moon falling from the sky, the ICBMs landing in your backyard because some computer is a poor sport are sure to do the trick.
~ via geekologie
As pretty as she is all I can think of now are her toe thumbs. It's like the Seinfeld 'man hands' episode.
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