DC Confirms new creative teams. One of the biggest questions coming out of the announced reboot of DC comics is who's going to be working on what. The first list is pretty underwhelming, though I might have to check out Azzarello and Chiang's Wonder Woman.
Rob's Wonder Woman TV Pilot FAQ. Speaking of Wonder Woman, Rob over at Topless Robot watched the much talked about Pilot and has provided us with a nice FAQ. Spoiler alert, it really did suck.
DC Women will wear pants. And speaking of booty shorts, rumor is that there's a mandate from the suits at DC that all female characters need to wear pants. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
The underground website where you can buy drugs. Here's how square I am, I didn't even know there was an underground web. Check it out before it goes mainstream and isn't cool anymore.
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