Pictures from global smurf day. Apparently people in Europe still think Smurfs are cool. Of course they also think black socks and shorts are cool.
The supreme court rules video games are free speech. Last night the talking suit on ABC nightly news said that kids would now be able to buy such violent games as Doom, Duke Nukem 3d and Mortal Kombat. I guess they're selling time machines at Gamestop now.
The 7 biggest dick moves in on-line gaming. I really thought this was going to be a list of things people do all the time, like camping at respawn points. Instead it's specific incidents where people playing MMORPGs try to bring down the system, just because they can.
Michael Jackson never sang on The Simpsons. This is big news if you've never actually paid attention to anything YOUR ENTIRE LIFE! It's a pretty well known story that Sony wouldn't let him sing on the show. I mean it was on the DVD commentary for pete's sake.
Re: biggest dick moves, I say number 7 on the that list is shooting your teammate in the back of the head under the guise of "I was just checking to see if this game had friendly fire or not".
Next blog make the whole list.
Where does making everyone else sit and watch you change the hair color on your @#$% custom character for 15 minutes rank on the list?
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