First off was a vague statement about the need for a constant internet connection. The official party line is ""It does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet." So no confusion there, right? Even at the kick-off event there are stories of Microsoft PR reps contradicting each other. The last I read is that Xbone will be able to go for extended periods of time unconnected, possibly with the help of some sort of pass or code. Lan partiers everywhere rejoice. Of course actual details will follow.
Gamestop patrons will also be happy to learn that Microsoft has plans to work with them to keep the used game market viable. You're also going to be able to trade your games in direct to Microsoft and your still going to be able to take your copy of Mortal Kombat 36 over to a friends house and play it there. So long as you're logged in on their xbone with your live account the game will play. Of course actual details will follow.
Privacy freaks also need to calm the f down. The new Kinnect will have a privacy mode that keeps Microsoft from recording you while you watch Baywatch reruns alone in the dark. Actual details will follow.
The point of all of this is that Microsoft has answers for everything and if you question them you're either a troublemaker or a hater, maybe a h8r. Of course these responses are not an admission that Microsoft bungled their kick-off event. Far from it.... Mocapped Dawgz!
Don't waste your time on the Baywatch reruns. First, they aren't on TV in the USA, second, the DVD sets do not have the original music so all the montages are nearly unwatchable.
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