Custom D-Tech Me Stormtroopers Action Figures. These are crazy expensive, and you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get one but man they are pretty pretty cool. There's a joke here about playing with yourself but I'm too busy to properly word it. Just pretend it was really clever.
10 Wrestling Matches that Became Real Fights. A couple of these aren't real "fights" just examples of wrestlers getting sick of another wrestlers BS and throwing a couple real punches, still fun to watch. I love behind the scenes stories in wrestling. There's Something about the real conflict behind the fake conflict that I find super interesting.
The Truth About Reddit. I don't spend a lot of time on Reddit, I'm not a redditor or anything but I do check out the front page a couple times a day. Over the last few years It's sort of turned into an accessible 4chan (for better and worse). They're always ahead of the trends and memes but if you really hang around for a while you will loose hours of your life.
Marvel Studios Has Blade, Iron Fist And Ms. Marvel Movies Somewhere In The Pipeline. First off another Blade movie? Why? Secondly, wouldn't that be the ultimate kick to the crotch if Marvel produces a Ms. Marvel movie before DC can get a Wonder Woman movie off the ground. Third, and Iron Fist movie should be a license to print money. Just take Brubaker/Fraction/Aja's comic and transcribe it word for word into a movie script. It's just a great comic and would work perfectly on the big screen. It would also give the Marvel movie universe a film with a different feel. Not to say that Iron Fist isn't a perfectly cromulant superhero but the mysticism, kung-fu action and darker tone would really stand apart from the rest of the capes and tights fare.
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