Here's the trailer for the new Shield TV show coming this fall to ABC. If you're any kind of real nerd you've already seen this like 1,000 times by now.
I'm excited for the show, but it's hard for me to get TOO excited. The concept of SHIELD in the comics was very 1970s (ugh, yes I know they first showed up in the 60s) and by the time I started reading comics I never really cared for stories involving them. Even now Nick Fury doesn't really exist as a person as much as he does a MacGuffin to send heroes on missions where they invariably get screwed over only to learn a lesson about not trusting the government.
Also I remember Heroes... Hard to get excited about any sort of comic book superhero show after one great and 3 unbearable seasons of Heroes.
Of course I'm not made of stone. The return of Clark Greg as agent Phil Coulson is reason enough for anyone to get excited. Plus even with the 30 new JJ Abrams shows on the fall schedule, I think there's room for a new Joss Whedon TV show. Word on the street is he's kinda popular right now. Hopefully SHIELD will be a huge success and I can look forward to soon picking up the 9 monthly comic book spin offs (all written by one guy 'cause that's how Marvel rolls).
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3 hours ago
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