The Dark Knight Rises gets a poster. I just read the novelization of the Batman: No Man's Land storyline by Chuck Dixon (yeah I'm that kind of nerd), and man I've never been more excited to see Bane on the big screen. I'm not the biggest bat-nerd in the world so I've really only known Bane from his cartoon and video game appearances. He is an excellent character, and I'm hoping he doesn't get lost in the Catwoman shuffle.
The 9 greatest Nerd Fears Today. One of these is that your kid will end up loving the Star Wars Prequels more than the original trilogy... oh man that hits home. This Halloween I had two different kids dressed as clone troopers ask me who I was dressed up as. I'm Han Solo you little anklebitter, no candy for you!
New Amazing Spider-Man trailer. I know, games based on movies like this usually suck but I'm going to go ahead and get my hopes up anyway. The graphics look sick, if they gameplay is just halfway decent this might be worth a look.
Half-Life 3 Confirmed OMG! Ok, so Valve isn't confirming Half-Life 3 but they're teasing the hell out of it. Diablo 3 and Half-Life 3 in 2012? Looks like it's time to put together a new gaming rig.
Sweet, so I get to play Half Life 3 in 2014 (when it finally hits the $9.99 bin at Fred Meyer).
Hardy's gonna have to really to pull out all the stops in order to top Jeep Swenson's portrayal of Bane.
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