'Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose' Gets Bitten on Her Ladyparts. Jim Balent used to be known for his solid 100 issue run on Catwoman. Now he's known for the most ridiculous sex comics ever. Seriously this SFW review of Tarot #70 is hilarious.
The 25 Funniest Family Christmas Portraits. My wife and I thought about doing a family portrait card this year, but bailed on it due to finances. I guess it's for the best, no way we could have topped this occupy card.
Chyna is a professional escort now. Let that marinate in your mind grapes for a minute. In a related story you can now hire Francine from ECW to do you taxes and hit you over the head with a chair. Her rates are reasonable.
10 great cars from the Edmonds worst 100 cars list. Growing up someone on our dock (yeah I lived on a boat, deal with it) drove a Volvo 262C. Next to my dad's 1982 corvette it was the coolest car in the parking lot. In fact it might still be stuck in the parking lot...
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