I can't even fathom how they built this thing. You know how long I would have to dig around my lego bin just to find that one piece I needed? You know, that one piece, it was kind of slanty and blue. Man I could never find that stupid thing.

"People don't really grasp that it's a legit sport. But, everybody thinks, especially at Keller high school, that it's really cool," said Brooklyn George, one of the group's co-founders.
Asked if he hooked up with Fox, LaBeouf nods affirmatively. “Look, you’re on the set for six months, with someone who’s rooting to be attracted to you, and you’re rooting to be attracted to them,” he explains. “I never understood the separation of work and life in that situation. But the time I spent with Megan was our own thing, and I think you can see the chemistry onscreen.” When I inquire about Fox’s status at the time with her longtime boyfriend, Brian Austin Green, LaBeouf replies, “I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. . . .”—repeating the phrase exactly 12 times with various intonations, as if trying to get it just right. Finally, he says, “It was what it was.”
via details.com
The resident, who later identified the stranger as Miss Gillan, said: ‘I went to the peephole and looked out. I saw a man at the lift who was looking back at someone who was attempting to open my door… the next thing I saw was a woman giving this person at my door two towels before getting into the lift and leaving.
‘Then I saw this young woman, completely naked, trying to wrap two towels around her and not having much luck. ‘She then started to whimper and knock on my door. Seeing that she wasn’t getting anywhere, she lay down with the towels covering her.’ Security then arrived, noticed her room key and wrapped her up and took her back to her suite.
via warmingglow
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