So as some of you nerds probably already know, several of the Tatooine scenes in Star Wars were shot on location in Tunisia. When lucas was done filming he just left all the stuff he didn't want behind. It was the 70s and no one cared about the enviroment yet. There are some pretty good stories about how the crew was surprised when they came back to the Tunisian desert to film the Phantom Menace and found a bunch of the props from Star Wars half buried in the desert. But I digress...
The desert is destroying the Owen Homestead! You know, that place where Luke grew up fixing water collectors and bulls-eyeing wamp rats. If you have money to burn and they've finally stopped oil spilling out into the gulf (they have? hooray!) go donate a few dollars to some nerds that want to restore it. Cause the next time you go to Tunisia what else are you going to look at?
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