Having a teething 8 month old has provided me with ample opportunities to watch absolute garbage TV shows at 2 in the morning. With "..the Blurst of Times" I'll tell you all about whatever horrible abortion of a TV show I watched the night before.
G4's coverage of the San Diego Comic Con was equal parts awesome geekery and shameless nerd pandering. Actually it was more like 65 percent nerd pandering and about 35 percent awesome geekery (which not coincidentally is about the same ratio found in G4 host Olivia Munn).
The actual show seemed like it was edited by a 12 year old on angel dust. Every thing from the floor was shaky cams and MTV style quick cuts. Sure call me a cranky old man, but sometimes I actually want to see the Comic Con exclusive He-Man Molar figure for more than half a second... and Actual comic news!
Things and people I liked:
Cosplayers! Comic-Con always delivers when it comes to nerds dressed up as nerdy things. G4 did a decent job showing lots of the costumed dorks from the floor.
Comic book coverage! It wasn't great but at least it was there. I get it that SDCC is all about TV shows and movies these days so it's nice that there was a little bit of comic book love.
Thor! Kenneth Branagh and Chris Hemmsworth totally sold me on Thor. They were great. Especially when you compared them to the casts of Captain America and Green Lantern, who seemed almost bored to be there.
Daniel Dae Kim! admitted to putting on a mask and buying a couple lightsabers off the floor, just like regular people.
Ali Larter! Looks great pregnant. there I said it, so sue me
Things and people that sucked:
Oliva Munn! She was just kind of obnoxious. If she wasn't talking over Kevin Pereira's questions, or blatantly reading from a teleprompter, she was screwing up Nathan Fillion's name.
Michael Chiklis! needs to take off those stupid sunglasses. He looked like an idiot.
No panels! The talked about the panels constantly, Why was there no actual footage from them? Let say you had to spend all day in line to catch the Tron panel, wouldn't it be nice to see something from the ones you missed?
Artists Alley! Is huge and awesome and was never mentioned once.
Blair Butler's under bite! Just kidding Blair... kind of.
I closing; On a scale of 1 to when I fell asleep G4's Comic-Con coverage scores a hefty 4 hours. However, if I hadn't been watching it on delay through the DVR I never would have made it The fast forward button got a pretty good work out.
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