Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thor from space. Plus other bad ideas

So I guess Thor is from space now. Apparently some movie making genius decided the average viewer wouldn't accept old school Norse gods running around blowing stuff up in a modern day setting. However Joe six pack will totally embrace the idea of Aliens that have been mistaken for Norse gods running around blowing stuff up in a modern day setting. Which is great because it sounds totally stupid. However it doesn't sound as stupid as turning Captain America into Captain Planet.

"He wants to serve his country, but he's not this sort of jingoistic American flag-waver," Johnston said. "He's just a good person. We make a point of that in the script: Don't change who you are once you go from Steve Rogers to this super-soldier, you have to stay who you are inside, that's really what's important more than your strength and everything. It'll be interesting and fun to put a different spin on the character and one that the fans are really going to appreciate."

"Yeah and it's also the idea that this is not about America so much as it is about the spirit of doing the right thing," the director said. "It's an international cast and an international story. It's about what makes America great and what make the rest of the world great too."

~ Joe Johnston director of Captain America

Let me translate that for you. "The studio says we can't make Captain America too American because we need overseas revenue."

I just hate the hubris of these Hollywood idiots. They're working with characters that have been popular for 40 plus years and they insist on changing them "for the better". You know what? I won't appreciate a different spin on the character. But I really don't appreciate some d-bag (that's probably never read any of the comics) telling me I'm going to appreciate a different spin on the character.

Honestly, I'm not sure there's anything else I can say on this subject that this picture of Captain America punching out Hitler doesn't say.


We*heart*Ezra on July 21, 2010 at 10:09 AM said...

Louis Lam Says: You clearly only read comics every 4 years. Captain America is about the person, not the country. Too many people are just bandwagon commie readers who don't know anything.

Anonymous said...

Actually Kirby and Simon depicting Cap punching out Hitler before America joined WWII had nothing to do with America and everything to do with what is 'right.' That cover was incredibly controversial at the time it was published as most Americans viewed WWII as a European problem. So it seems that Johnston gets it. It's the idea of what America should stand for, not the national politics. That is exactly what the comic was based on and what the image you posted says.

Also, the era in which the film is based is during WWII when several nations joined together to fight against a common enemy. That is a simplistic view, but it's not as simple as not America fights the black hats. By definition, a world war is international.

Additionally, Kirby's depiction of Asgard is very science fiction oriented and has very little to do with the way in which Norse mythology was traditionally represented.

The throne room image is heavily influenced by Kirby's art with the huge visuals and gigantic sword in the background and also by classical mythology as the 'eyes of Odin' are included as birds perched on the hilt.

I don't see any problems between what the filmmakers are saying and doing so far as it relates to the comics.

It all fits (so far).

kevin n. on July 21, 2010 at 5:15 PM said...

Can I at least complain that they're making Cap a USO entertainer? I mean that's stupid amiright?

Anonymous said...

I can get carried away, sorry if I implied you can't say what you think.

But yeah... the USO thing could easily be painful, but hopefully not as painful as the 90's Cap movie or the serial where he was a gun-toting lawyer.

kevin n. on July 21, 2010 at 6:18 PM said...

My fav is the 1980s TV show where he was riding around on a motorcycle.

Anonymous said...




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