Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 the year in mediocre blogging

Believe it or not I made 407 blog posts this year. That's not bad when you consider I'm barely literate. Here's the obligatory year end recap with the 12 most popular posts and topics in no particular order.


For me 2009 will always be remembered as the year I became convinced that Robots will rise up against us. You know how most billion dollar software companies located in Redmond WA will release a product that's incredibly buggy and needs to be imediately patched and upgraded right out of the box? Well try downloading and installing new drivers while a 100 pound pleasure bot is trying to rip off your junk.

Jersey Shore

It's easy to make fun of the so called "guidos" on Jersey Shore, what with all the punching and awesome Street Fighter mash-ups. But you who was doing it in January this year? That's right, this guy was.

Lingerie Football

Yep 2009 was the year the LFL took the nation by storm. Or at the very least padded this bloggers hits.

Jimmy Fallon

I still don't get it, but this post about Jimmy Fallon losing his hair is the second most popular thing I've ever posted on this blog. It scares me to no end knowing how many people use the internet to search for Jimmy Fallon.

Diora Baird

She's in Star Trek, then she's not in Star Trek and then she's in Thor. She's the most popular girl on the internet that no one has ever heard of. Her middle name might as well be "google image search".


I still can't get this song out of my head.

The Expendables

If loving Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and Jason Statham is wrong, I don't want to be right

Michael Jackson

This post on Michael Jackson I made in June is still raking in the hits. Thank you stumbleupon.com.

Bikini Baristas

I used to live next to one of these. It was called Cowgirls Espresso. There was always some creepy dude standing outside the stand talking with one of the Baristas. Sorry Cowgirls, I want hot chocolate served by girls in chaps, not drama and insecure boyfriends.


I'm not sure why I became obsessed with Deadpool this year, but it happened. At least it wasn't the year of Squirrel girl or Matter Eater Lad.


Posts about nerds that love to dress up as their favorite nerdly characters have become my go to move. If I collect just 4 more fat Batmans I can trade them in for one skanky Emma Frost or an Edward and a Bella.

Special 1 TV

I can't believe Special 1 TV died along with Setanta Sports. Wait Setanta Sports is still around? Then why the hell is no one making anymore Special 1 TV episodes?

There you have it, what can we expect in 2010? Are mummies the new zombies? Will peopleofWholefoods.com ever catch on? Are skateboarding pandas the new meme? Yes, No, Yes.

Hot Tub Time Machine... because, why not?

The house my wife and I bought last year has a brand new hot tub in the backyard that we haven't hooked up yet. I think this summer I'm going to turn it into a time machine. Anyone know where you can get a good deal on a flux capacitor?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Open wide for some Mass Effect 2

Ok so there's two things I really hate, Germans and video game previews that don't actually show you any game play footage With that being said the full this Mass Effect 2 preview looks incredible.

Jersey Shore Fighter 2

Clearly this is what Al Gore invented the internet for.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Carl sings I'll be Home for Christmas

Yeah this is pretty awful, but I don't care. Pretty much anything Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force does cracks me up. Merry Christmas Carl.

More Kick Ass

So here's the weird thing. I couldn't be more excited about this movie, but I stopped collecting the comic it's based on after 3 issues. I think the addition of Nic Cage is what put me over the top on it. I finally caught The Wicker Man on TV the other day, and now I want Nic Cage in every movie I watch. Hopefully with him in a bearsuit punching old ladies.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Babies and Guns; a combo that can't lose

I love my son, but lets face it in a robot-zombie apocalypse he's worthless. At least he was worthless. Once I hook him up with one of these mini-gun toting cradles he's a ruthless killing machine.

I do have a couple reservations about these prototypes. I'm worried about the turning radius on the stroller, It looks like the front axle is fixed. Also the lack of a 5 point harness is cause for concern. Still, these things sure beat the hell out of a BOB.

You can find more info at designboom.com

Thursday, December 17, 2009

X-Men: First Class, the movie

Good news! Bryan Singer made an announcement the other day that he was going to Direct another X-men movie. Bad news! It's going to be a prequel, it's going to be written by a writer for Gossip Girl and Fox is producing it so they're not going to understand the source material at all.

Here's the quote I stole from Filmdrunk:
If you don’t remember, writer Josh Schwartz of “The O.C.” and “Gossip Girl” will be penning the script which, if [producer] Lauren Schuler Donner has her way, won’t be toning down the intensity of the X-Men. Donner said previously: “We want it to be like the recent, darker Potters. It should not be a kiddie movie: we’re in the X-Men world so you can’t suddenly change the tone. The First Class comics are really fun — they’re funnier than any other comics I’ve read. Basically in each one the kids are fighting strange villains, sometimes it’s aliens, sometimes it’s monsters. I want to get a flavour of that world.” [FirstShowing]

For anyone that hasn't checked it out before, X-Men First Class is a comic about the teenage adventures of the first 5 X-men: Beast, Cyclops, Iceman, Angel and Jean Grey. Sort of like what DC does with all it's Year One mini-series. It's nothing to write home about (I certainly wouldn't call it the funniest comic I've ever read).

So what we're looking at is either Fox is completely rebooting their X-Men franchise (something I saw coming a few months ago) and will be recasting all the X-men with younger actors, or they're going to make a X-Men movie that looks nothing like the First Class comic. Lets try and remember how they did with Deadpool in the last X-Men movie..


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Iron Man 2 the movie, the trailer

I'm going to go out on a limb here, I think this movies is going to be good.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Necky, better than a Handjob worse than a Snuggy

Sorry the Necky just isn't for me. I like the whimsy of scarves and just can't stand turtlenecks. Really, if you're to stupid to keep from getting one shut in your car door I kinda think you deserve to get dragged down the street a few blocks.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Light Hero, Hero

So this year because of little baby poop-pants I didn't really go crazy with the Christmas lights. Hard to hang lights on the roof when you've got a newborn strapped to your chest. Next year though... Christmas light Rock Band! Poop-pants should be old enough to man the drum kit by then.

..The Blurst of Times

"yeah, you're all pretty much screwed... oh sorry, poor choice of words"

Having a newborn has provided me with ample opportunities to watch absolute garbage TV shows at 2 in the morning. With "..the Blurst of Times" I'll tell you all about whatever horrible abortion of a TV show I watched the night before.

Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew is quite possibly the most mind bottling tv show I've seen all year. I mean this is VH1 right? Where on earth does this show fit in with VH1's line-up of sluts? After Rock of Love 5 but before Frank the Entertainer ..in a Basement Affair? I mean there's no way you'd expect the same people that brought you Love of Ray Jay 2 to bring you a serious show about people battling sex addiction. That would be like your drug dealer trying to convince you to go into rehab (which I swear happened to one of the girls on the show).

So when I start watching Sex Rehab I'm not expecting much but I'll be dipped if it wasn't completely fascinating and compelling. The show is a pretty straight forward docu-drama. Dr. Drew and VH1 have gathered together a half dozen celebrities who are all battling sex addiction of some sort for a 21 day stay in a rehabilitation center. Of course this is VH1 so their definition of celebrity is loose at best. I mean I'm sure that if you're a Skid Row fan their drummer is a really big deal to you, but I still don't think I would call them a celebrity.

The show still has a tinge of exploitation to it, there's at least one patient who is clearly not there to get healthy. But it's hard not to be drawn in by the honesty and openness of the majority of the patients. Overall it's a really fascinating look into the lives of people facing addiction, what got them there and the steps it takes for them to find help.

On a scale of 1 to when I fell asleep, I give this show about 45 minutes. I started drifting off near the end, but lucked out when I found the episode on On Demand.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekendest Links

take the 3 lebron!

Hey here's some stuff to check out while you're watching Jersey Shore reruns this weekend. I don't understand why no one likes snookie, back in my day we had way more respect for girls that would make out with other girls just to get boy attention. I blame Obama.

DC's Best Holiday Specials!
(Comics Alliance)

The Twilight Saga: New Moon, reviewed by LOLcats

STUPID ANIME QUESTIONS: Why are their eyes all scribbly?

Meet the Tony Stark of Wasilla, Alaska

Portion Size, Then Vs. Now
(divine caroline)

Transformers: War for Cybertron gets trailer

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Whiplash needs a shower

Funny there's been lots of Iron Man 2 stuff rolling out the last week or so. Seems kinda early to crank up the hype machine on a movie that doesn't even come out until next May but what do I know? Above is the new Whiplash poster that hit the interwebs today. It's our best look at the whole Whiplash rig so far. I'm kinda digging it, it looks crappy enough have been built by someone without the resources of a billion dollar weapons manufacturer but still menacing enough to imagine Iron Man having trouble fighting it.

I've included a bunch of other stills in the gallery bellow. Can't wait to see War Machine in action.

Is Handjob! the new three wolves t-shirt?

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Really Japan? Really?

I don't know what the hell this is but there was no way I wasn't posting it. Maybe the discription from You Tube can help us figure it out.
Deep in the forest lived Billy and his charming companions. They peacefully honed their bodies and listened to music there. But a wave of development came upon the forests. One who would turn all to road. Kagamine Rin had come. Billy must stop the construction before all is turned to road

nope.. doesn't help at all.

The Weekest Links: humpday edition

Yeah, that's an actual painting Michael Jackson had commissioned of himself a couple years ago. Just a friendly reminder that before he died and everyone forgot how creepy he was, he was really really creepy.

Disney Princesses The Way You Like It…Zombified

$10 an hour with 2 kids? IRS pounces

Fox News isn't exactally good at news
(warming glow)

Christina Hendricks Falls Victim To The D.E.N.N.I.S. System

Luchador Jesus
(palehorse designs)

Snookie from Jersey Shore gets punched
(warming glow)

As a side note I don't think MTV has ever produced a show as awesome as Jersey Shore. It makes Singled Out (with Jenny McCarthy) look like Singled Out (with Carmen Electra). I pray for our country, knowing that there's some myspace toolbox out there completely missing the point of the show and is really hoping he/she will get cast on the second season.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Look at that Bra BOOM! EXPLODE! SLOWMO!

Finally Michael Bay directed a Victoria's Secret commercial. How long did we have to wait? It felt like eternity. Now can someone in Hollywood start working on that George Lucas Old Navy commercial

Anne Hathaway is a step up from Kirsten Dunst

There's no way this really happens, but lets go ahead and talk about it like it might.
No matter the superhero franchise, when it comes time to make a sequel, people mainly want to know one thing: Which villains will be in it? Currently, fans are trying to crack the mystery of Spider-Man 4’s bad guys; rumors and speculation had it that every actress in Hollywood was trying out for the sexy villainess Black Cat, or that Dylan Baker’s Curt Connors would finally get to transform into the Lizard in this installment. Now, though, Movieline has confirmed with sources close to the film that Raimi’s sequel is circling John Malkovich and Anne Hathaway to play Spider-Man’s adversaries, and neither evildoer is quite what you might have expected.

If negotiations proceed according to plan, Malkovich will be playing Spider-Man’s nemesis the Vulture, who packs a punch despite his advanced age. The Vulture is able to fly through the air and brandish his sharp wings to attack Spider-Man.

The 27-year-old actress is currently the top choice for Felicia Hardy, who’d been long-rumored as one of the new characters in this installment. (Other names bandied about for the role included Julia Stiles, Rachel McAdams, and Romola Garai.) However, unlike in the comic books, this Felicia Hardy doesn’t transform into the Black Cat. Instead, Raimi’s Felicia will become a brand-new superpowered figure called the Vulturess.

- movieline.com

That's right, Felicia Hardy will be a major character in the movie but not as the Black Cat instead she'll have a new alter ego the Vulturess. A name that really just rolls off the tongue. I think that this is a good call for Sony. I mean who needs Anne Hathaway running around in a skintight, fur lined, black latex costume when you can slap her in some sort of armored suit with wicked sweet razor wings.

no way this character could ever be popular on screen

On the plus side, John Malkovich as the Vulture would be sweet! I haven't seen a lot of love for the Vulture on the interwebs today, but I think he's a pretty underrated villain. And lets face it they've already burned through Spidey's top 4 villains. At this point who's left? The Rhino, Mysterio, maybe the Chameleon? John Malkovich as the Vulture sure looks pretty good once you realize the next best option is Jim Carrey with a Fishbowl on his head. I'm not sure I see Maljovich slumming to take the role of a villain in the 4th movie of a dying franchise, but it's cool to think about.

Monday, December 7, 2009

..the Blurst of Times

Having a newborn has provided me with ample opportunities to watch absolute garbage TV shows. What else is there to do when you're stuck on the couch at 2am because the little poop machine won't sleep without being held? You need at least one hand to hold him so playing video games is pretty much out and at 2am you don't really have the energy to pay attention to a movie (even if it's a really good one like Screamers 2).

This brings me to a new column I like to call "Garbage I watched at 2am"... no wait it's now "..the Blurst of Times" (boom! Simpson's reference). Here I'll tell you all about whatever horrible abortion of a TV show I watched the night before.

Holly's World, a show so awesome E! doesn't have a page for it on their website. The show itself is all about Holly Madison, Hugh Hefner's ex-head-blonde, and her "crazy" new life in Las Vegas. So think of The Girls Next Door, don't lie, you know you've seen at least one episode. Take out the stupid one everyone likes, replace Hugh Hefner with a generic gay best friend, add all the douchebaggery only a place like Vegas can provide and WHAMMY you're left with something that just barely qualifies as a real TV show.

Like most reality TV shows on E!, Holly's World doesn't have a plot, it's just a bunch of cameras following Holly Madison around. Why? Boobs of course! Seriously I don't remember what this show was about at all. I remember a meeting with the Mayor of Vegas over traffic revisions (I sh*t you not), her being a UFC ring girl and a fun introduction of all her new Vegas friends. Lets just say that the Mayor's memorabilia collection was the highlight of this episode and leave it at that.

On a scale of 1 to when I fell asleep, I give this show about 12 minutes. By the time I woke up it was infomercial city.

Ultimate Muscle confirms pretty much everything you've heard about Japan

I really wish this wasn't a Wii exclusive.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Weekest Links

The best thing about slacking on your own blog is that it provides ample opportunities to rip off content from other peoples blogs. With that in mind, here's some stuff other people did while I was changing diapers and burp cloths.

Couple Uses Comic as Wedding Invitation (Ft. Ackbar!)
(comics alliance)

Exploding Whale Video Reporter Looks Back Four Decades Later (asylum.com)

Homemade Roller Coasters Are a Scream (Videos)

Samurai Mario Battling Bowser And Dinosaur

Hey, Tony Hawk, Might Be Time To Hang Up The Skates...Well, Skateboard

Vanilla Ice’s South African Beer Commercial

The 30 Most Mind-Blowingly Strange M.U.S.C.L.E. Figures

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Woods 2011: Special Adultery Edition

This is why the US sucks and Japan is awesome (or Taiwan, I guess this is from Taiwan). Not content to just report the news that Tiger Woods is awful enough to cheat on his wife but not quite strong enough to take her in a fight, they've managed to recreate the whole alleged incident with state of the art 3-d graphics (ie. the half life 2 engine). Truly we are living in a golden era.

Boobs are my apology

I know I know.. I've been a terrible blogger. As it turns out having a kid sucks away all your free time. Who knew?

Please accept this commercial from japan for the new larger Nintendo DSI as my apology. It features new gaming tech and boobs, it's like peanut butter and chocolate for nerds.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Lego Matrix is just a rip off of Grant Morrison's Lego The Invisibles

Lets face it Legos make everything better (kind of like Bacon.... mmm bacon legos). Where was I? Oh yeah, here's a scene from the Matrix filmed with Legos. Or maybe it's from the Matrix Reloaded, honestly I never really got into the Matrix Trilogy so I have no idea. That's right, I'm the kind of geek that will point out how the Matrix was just a big rip off of Ghost in the Shell and the Invisibles. It's just part of my charm.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bohemian Rhapsody, the muppet cover

This continues my trend of posting things about 2 days after they've completely saturated the internets. It's the cast of the muppet show performing Bohemian Rhapsody. I've always felt that Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem were totally underrated.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Boom! Ham in the Face!

My wife loves to watch cooking shows, which means I'm presented with many opportunities to watch said cooking shows. Clearly that has bred some sort of resentment in me towards Paula Deen, who finally got what was coming to her when I threw this ham at her face... I mean this was totally an accident.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Turtles Forever

If you find yourself watching cartoons tomorrow morning, you could do a lot worse than checking out Turtles Forever. It's a good old fashioned multi-dimensional adventure staring the New TMNT, the ones from the cartoon in the early 90s and the black and white ones from the original Eastman/Laird comic.

It's probably not going to be as good as GI Joe Resolute was, but it still looks better than whatever YugiOh/Pokemon rip off every other channel will be airing.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dino D-Day will rock your face

If this isn't the greatest looking game ever I'll eat my hat. Serioulsy Nazis and Dinosaurs? How awesome is that?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Oh. They've encased him in Carbonite. He should be quite well protected

I've been thinking about picking up a new desk for my office for quite some time. I wonder if my wife will notice if I take a few grand out of the mortgage account to pick up a Han Solo in Carbonite desk?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Kick Ass, the movie, the trailer


Trailer Park | MySpace Video

Having a baby can really put a cramp in your blogging style. Just keep that in mind while you watch this trailer for Kick Ass about a week after every other blog on the internet posted it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Goal of the Weak

I hear Fabio Capello is already looking at her to start for England.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Sometimes pumpkins just need to dance

Wow, I have no idea what context this was originally aired but one thing is for sure. The people at KVXO in Omaha really know how to party.

..and yes for you counting at home this is twice I've posted a video that features a cover to the Ghostbusters theme.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Looks like I've finally found my Halloween costume for this year. Any volunteers to be the back half?

~ via unicorn wolf lazers f*ck you (yes it's as awesome as it sounds)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting to know your DWTS Cast: Melisa Joan Hart

Thanks Jimmy, you totally saved me from having to write anything today.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Velma the Vamprie slayer

Now that's what I call art. Kudos to you "Dr. Monster".

~ via flicker

Ozark Empire, by Listener

I've got a fever, and the only perscription is more washing machine. Seriously, I'm like 102 degrees today, I think I might have bird flu.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Obligatory Deadpool Post

Hey Kids do you love Deadpool? How about silent P's (and S's)? Well then you're in luck because here comes the Deadpool Corps.

Deadpool editor Axel Alonso has released a teaser image for the upcoming event, the Deadpool Corps! And yes, kids, they will have an oath, and they likely will be scarier than even a pack of your zombified loved ones.

According to the Deadpool Bugle, the event will come together March 2010, featuring Deadpool, Lady Deadpool, Kid Deadpool, Headpool, and Dogpool.

~ David Pepose via the Newsarama Blog

I have all the preview images below. They look pretty sweet. My personal favorite is of the one with Dogpool in it. I don't think you can ever have enough dogs with swords. Unless maybe it's my parents dog, that thing just needs to stay off my couch...

Again with the Lizards?

Well here's the first 8 minutes of the "new" ABC series V. I'm still really on the fence about this one. I think I'm just as desperate as ABC is to replace a lost size whole in my life come fall of 2010 but I'm just not sure a new series based on a pretty schlocky mini series from the 80s is the way to do it.

Still, the only thing I'm watching at 8pm on Tuesdays is 90210 and that has to stop. I mean when will Naomi see how badly her sister is using her? If she doesn't figure it out quick Liam is totally going to move on.

Friday, October 23, 2009

L4D2 looks pretty good

Sweet fancy moses that's a trailer. Sure it has no actual game footage, but who cares? There's zombies and bridges exploding and chainsaws it's like the zombie video game equivalant of a turduckin.

Who ya gonna call?

This is what happens when I've had a bad day. I saw this on Wednesday but was in such a foul mood that I thought to myself "god that's stupid, no one's ever going to want to watch that" then 2 days later Boom internet tested, internet approved.

Oh well back to the point, here's some guy that looks like that freecreditreport.com guy singing the ghostbusters theme.

Didn't we come here on a Cheetah?

It seems every week I see a story that confirms my belief that science is out to kill us. Whether it's Zombies, Robots or Robot Zombies they're always working on something that's just one random lighting bolt or radioactive spider away from killing everyone. This week it's Robot Cheetahs.
Professor Sangbae Kim designer of the Stickybot and a Robotic designer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Is trying to understand how he can replicate natural animal mechanisms by creating a robot inspired by the cheetah.

The idea is to build a prototype robot from a construction of lightweight carbon-fiber-foam that will then be able to match the cheetah's speed of 70 miles per hour.

~ via geekologie
When Skynet takes over how am I supposed to get away from a 70 mph carbon fiber cheetah? When building robots scientists need to start using the same criteria I have for adopting pets. Never own a pet you can't take in a fight and never build a robot you can't easily smash with a hammer. Think of all the trouble that would have saved Hank Pym.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not Now Lolcat

The fact that I find these stupid Internet Commenter Business Meeting videos so funny probably means I'm spending way to much time on the internet.

The Legend of Neil

Legend of Neil, Season 1, Ep. 1 -- The Beginning

Yeah I know this is over a year old which in internet years is like a thousand but I had to post this. I was having steaks with some friends the other night and I tried to describe the greatness that is The Legend of Neil. I think I got as far as "masturbating to the fairy in Zelda" when my credibility on all things ever was shot to hell.

Now he can read real fast he is good at science and math

Black doctor has quickly become the new meme at my work, so I thought I'd share since there is NOTHING happening on the 'net today.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Simpsons: An Uncensored, Unauthorized History. Pre-review

As a rule I don't read a lot of books that don't star teenage wizards or vampires hooking up with teenagers. However I'm ready to make an exception with The Simpsons: An Uncensored, Unauthorized History.

From all the reviews I've read (that would be 3) it sounds like writer John Ortved has crafted a very insightful book that's a must read for all Simpsons superfans. Quite a feat considering that James Brooks, Matt Groening and most everyone at Fox refused to participate when they heard what Ortved was writing. The following is a small excerpt about the resistance Ortved ran into when he wrote a small article for Vanity Fair that turned out to be the precursor to the book... I totally lifted it from WarmingGlow

Fox tried to get me to write a different story, “How about,” one flack told me, “you do a history of how The Simpsons Movie came to be,” adding that this was something they could get on board with.. I declined this very generous offer and continued to work on the story, resulting in some hilarious calls from Fox publicity, with them informing me “There is no Simpsons story in Vanity Fair. We said ‘no’!”

Something I gleaned early from this experience is that Hollywood publicists are so used to journalists kowtowing to their every request that they no longer understand what journalism actually is. We’re talking about cartoon characters here, not Watergate, but the light subject matter doesn’t exclude the possibility of doing real research and telling interesting stories. They actually thought that we were all on the same team, trying to get their client the maximum exposure, using our words and outlets only to extend their message.

Again from what I've read about the book it isn't perfect. Ortved has to use a lot of old published quotes from the people that refused to participate making the narrative a bit one sided. He also spends a bit to much time harping on how the series sucks now, which is a given at this point. Still I can't go more than an hour without using a quote from The Simpsons, so I think I'll be adding this to the top of my reading list (sorry Edward, you'll have to wait).

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Deadpool reboot part 37

I think my new deal is that whenever there's nothing interesting happening on the interwebs (no, balloon boy doesn't count anymore) I'm just going to try and find more news on the Deadpool movie. This is from X-Men movie franchise producer Lauren Shuler Donner
I want to ignore the version of Deadpool that we saw in Wolverine and just start over again. Reboot it. Because this guy talks, obviously, and to muzzle him would be insane... We're right in the thick of talking to writers right now, and hopefully by November we'll have decided who's going to do it. We need someone really imaginative because we want to do some really innovative, ambitious stuff. Ryan's mentioned this in an interview already but there are parts where he's going to break the fourth wall and talk directly to the audience in the cinema. We have to work out how to do that. I don't know that Fox will agree with all our decisions, but we'll see!

~ via io9.com

This sounds great right up to that last sentence. Knowing Fox they'll hire Brett Ratner's nacho delivery boy to direct and insist on turning Deadpool into a robot that transforms into a Jonas brother.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Never Forget the links



90210 Beastie Boys I'm out of ideas Jimmy Fallon advertising wizards alien amazon anne hathaway arkham city art awesome parenting awesome tv shows bad ideas bad ideas? batman battlefield 3 bioshock boobs books call of duty captain america cars cartoons cats catwoman cheerleaders christmas colbert report comic-con comics commercials community computer games computers conan o'brien cosplay crazy people cute animals cute kids deadpool diablo III dinosaurs diora baird disney doctor who dogs dungeons and dragons e3 espn failure fake trailers food funny things futurama game of thrones george lucas gi joe google gratuitous use of babes guns half life 2 halloween hard ticket to hawaii harry potter hbo hip-hop horrible tv shows idiots internet meme iron man it's always sunny in philadelphia japan is awesome jersey shore justified kevin smith legos lingerie football links lists local news lord of the rings lost marvel math mc chris megan fox michael Bay michael jackson monkeys movies music nbc nerdcore nerdery nerds nfl ninjas nintendo obama old computers olivia munn parks and rec people that need to shut it pin-ups piranha 3d pirates planet of the apes playboy playstaytion politics poor decisions porn prometheus prostitution? protesters random picture random simpsons reference red dead redemption robots ron swanson rumors sad nerds science seattle seinfeld sharks snow soccer spider-man star blazers star trek star wars super mario bros superman the apocalypse the avengers the blurst of times the daily show the future the interwebs the muppet show the simpsons the walking dead thor tmnt top gear total recall transformers tron tumblr tv shows twitter usmnt video games wags watchmen wish list wolverine wonder woman world cup wrestling x-box x-men xbox live zombies

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