Believe it or not I made 407 blog posts this year. That's not bad when you consider I'm barely literate. Here's the obligatory year end recap with the 12 most popular posts and topics in no particular order.
For me 2009 will always be remembered as the year I became convinced that Robots will rise up against us. You know how most billion dollar software companies located in Redmond WA will release a product that's incredibly buggy and needs to be imediately patched and upgraded right out of the box? Well try downloading and installing new drivers while a 100 pound pleasure bot is trying to rip off your junk.
Jersey Shore
It's easy to make fun of the so called "guidos" on Jersey Shore, what with all the punching and awesome Street Fighter mash-ups. But you who was doing it in January this year? That's right, this guy was.
Lingerie Football
Yep 2009 was the year the LFL took the nation by storm. Or at the very least padded this bloggers hits.
Jimmy Fallon
I still don't get it, but this post about Jimmy Fallon losing his hair is the second most popular thing I've ever posted on this blog. It scares me to no end knowing how many people use the internet to search for Jimmy Fallon.
Diora Baird
She's in Star Trek, then she's not in Star Trek and then she's in Thor. She's the most popular girl on the internet that no one has ever heard of. Her middle name might as well be "google image search".
I still can't get this song out of my head.
The Expendables
If loving Sylvester Stallone, Dolph Lundgren and Jason Statham is wrong, I don't want to be right
Michael Jackson
This post on Michael Jackson I made in June is still raking in the hits. Thank you
Bikini Baristas
I used to live next to one of these. It was called Cowgirls Espresso. There was always some creepy dude standing outside the stand talking with one of the Baristas. Sorry Cowgirls, I want hot chocolate served by girls in chaps, not drama and insecure boyfriends.
I'm not sure why I became obsessed with Deadpool this year, but it happened. At least it wasn't the year of Squirrel girl or Matter Eater Lad.
Posts about nerds that love to dress up as their favorite nerdly characters have become my go to move. If I collect just 4 more fat Batmans I can trade them in for one skanky Emma Frost or an Edward and a Bella.
Special 1 TV
I can't believe Special 1 TV died along with Setanta Sports. Wait Setanta Sports is still around? Then why the hell is no one making anymore Special 1 TV episodes?
There you have it, what can we expect in 2010? Are mummies the new zombies? Will ever catch on? Are skateboarding pandas the new meme? Yes, No, Yes.

Jersey Shore

Lingerie Football

Jimmy Fallon

Diora Baird


The Expendables

Michael Jackson

Bikini Baristas



Special 1 TV

There you have it, what can we expect in 2010? Are mummies the new zombies? Will ever catch on? Are skateboarding pandas the new meme? Yes, No, Yes.