Having a newborn has provided me with ample opportunities to watch absolute garbage TV shows. What else is there to do when you're stuck on the couch at 2am because the little poop machine won't sleep without being held? You need at least one hand to hold him so playing video games is pretty much out and at 2am you don't really have the energy to pay attention to a movie (even if it's a really good one like Screamers 2).
This brings me to a new column I like to call "Garbage I watched at 2am"... no wait it's now "..the Blurst of Times" (boom! Simpson's reference). Here I'll tell you all about whatever horrible abortion of a TV show I watched the night before.
Holly's World, a show so awesome E! doesn't have a page for it on their website. The show itself is all about Holly Madison, Hugh Hefner's ex-head-blonde, and her "crazy" new life in Las Vegas. So think of The Girls Next Door, don't lie, you know you've seen at least one episode. Take out the stupid one everyone likes, replace Hugh Hefner with a generic gay best friend, add all the douchebaggery only a place like Vegas can provide and WHAMMY you're left with something that just barely qualifies as a real TV show.
Like most reality TV shows on E!, Holly's World doesn't have a plot, it's just a bunch of cameras following Holly Madison around. Why? Boobs of course! Seriously I don't remember what this show was about at all. I remember a meeting with the Mayor of Vegas over traffic revisions (I sh*t you not), her being a UFC ring girl and a fun introduction of all her new Vegas friends. Lets just say that the Mayor's memorabilia collection was the highlight of this episode and leave it at that.
On a scale of 1 to when I fell asleep, I give this show about 12 minutes. By the time I woke up it was infomercial city.
And people complained back in the day about crap like Renegade, Aculpolco HEAT and Baywatch. Compared to the "reality" trash now most would kill for those shows.
Aculpolco HEAT, now that was a great show.
Complete series available on Amazon for only $22. Makes a great stocking stuffer.
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