Thursday, February 26, 2015

Refined Links

WWE Diva AJ Lee Publicly Calls Out Stephanie McMahon Over Women's Wages and Air Time. This is kind of hilarious. Basically Stephanie McMahon (daughter of Vince, on the board of Directors for the WWE and underrated in ring performer) tweeted some bland congratulations on Patricia Arquette's Oscar acceptance speak using the hashtags #womensrights and #useyourvoice. She of course tweeted that on the same evening the only WWE Divas match on Raw as an embarrassingly short 30 seconds. AJ Lee (WWE Diva, wife of CM Punk disgruntled ex-WWE employee) responded by blasting the WWE on twitter over how they treat their female talent.


Homeworld Remastered impressions: A refined masterpiece. Homeworld! You remember homeworld, right? Right? Ok, so Homeworld wasn't a huge hit but it is remembered fondly, fond enough that it's getting an HD remake. I'm pretty excited for this one.

Surprise: Almost Everything About Pimp My Ride Was Hilarious Bullshit. This is pretty fantastic. It's hardly surprising but it's still pretty fantastic. I like the part about how MTV put it into the contract that you couldn't list your car on Ebay right away.

Comic Book Writers Matt Fraction & Kelly Sue DeConnick Sign Deal With Universal TV. Woot Woot! These are two of my favorite comics book writers right now, I'm excited to see what they'll bring to TV.

Retro Light Guns Throughout History. Cool little stroll down memory lane. I'm surprised light guns aren't a thing anymore. Shooting games are some of the more popular games at the 7 arcades that still exist in the country. Why hasn't anyone tried to bring that experience home lately?




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