Another game that made a big splash at E3 this year was Far Cry 4. I have yet to play Far Cry 3. I'm waiting for both a new video card (come on summer santa!) and a steam sale where I can pick it up for like $3.99. I figure in less than 2 years I'll totes be checking out Far Cry 4.
This is why I take years to beat a game, by the time I finish the next one in the series is available. Seamless transition is highly underrated.
And as big of a Far Cry fan that I am, I wasn't blown away by that demo. It basically looks like Far Cry 3 - Switzerland.
I have a feeling the improvements are going to be nuanced, lots of little things in the game play, because 3 was very very good and such a huge step above 2.
My name is Kevin and I blog, mostly about nerdy stuff. I'm old enough to know that Gobots came before Transformers and geeky enough to care.
If you have something cool or nerdy you just have to share, e-mail me at kevin @
This is why I take years to beat a game, by the time I finish the next one in the series is available. Seamless transition is highly underrated.
And as big of a Far Cry fan that I am, I wasn't blown away by that demo. It basically looks like Far Cry 3 - Switzerland.
I have a feeling the improvements are going to be nuanced, lots of little things in the game play, because 3 was very very good and such a huge step above 2.
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