Mapstalgia, video game maps drawn from memory. I LOVE THIS SITE. Back when I was a kid with a 486 I used to play the crap out of any game I was able to get my dirty little hands on. Seriously, I must have beat the first level of Doom a thousand times but if you asked me to draw it for you I'd have a hard time remembering where the Grue went.
Sexy 2012 Disney Pin-Up Calendar. My wife has been looking for a new calendar for our refrigerator. Look no further dear!
How Things got Ugly at the 2 Broke Girls Press Pannel. Ugh, this show is sooo awful. I watched 5 minutes of it the other day and it was excruciating. It's like someone took all the hacky jokes from Joey and shoehorned the word Vagina in every couple lines. What's wrong with you America?
Mad Catz releases a high end customizable controler. I remember Mad Catz as the company that made all those awful N64 controllers back in the day. Thank goodness they survived the 90s, because they now make the most gorgeous controller I've ever seen. It's modular by design so you can swap out the dpad for the thumbsticks or vice versa. You can get concave or rounded thumbsticks and there are a couple different dpad options.
Now someone give me $100 so I can afford one.
I think I can draw a diagram of the play I beat you with a thousand times in NFL2K. Here, let me try:
WR Randy Moss
Heh, still got it.
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