Alex Rodriguez and Torrie Wilson spent New Years together. Every time Alex Rodriguez comes back to play in Seattle the fans boo the crap out of him. I just don't get it, he went to a team that offered him a quarter of a Billion dollars. How is anyone supposed to turn that down?
If you want to boo him for something, boo him for dating Torrie Wilson. Seriously, f that guy. BOOOOOO!
9 quirky things every cool workplace is required to have. If I ever get the chance to run an office there will be some quirky shit going on. Constant loops of Hard Ticket to Hawaii will be playing. Monkey waiters riding minibikes would be delivering drinks. Ben would be giving everyone Can Jobs. It would put all those Google slides to shame.
The absolute very worst movies of 2011. I saw Bridesmaids this weekend and while I didn't hate it, I think it was the most overrated movie of the year. Why didn't anyone warn me it was a total chick flick?
The first ever Kissing Suzy Kolber Fantasy Football Awards. My Fantasy Football championship game was last week and I just found out I won the league. I was something like 30 points down going into last Monday nights game so I never looked back at the standings. Clearly Jesus respected my decision to start Tim Tebow and helped Jordy Nelson score 3 touchdowns.
I am going to try to comment on every article that has gratuitous use of women on it just cause. When I first saw that headline (possibly because I have a cracked screen) I thought that chicks name was Torris. Which would of been a cooler name I think.
Your reference to Can Job earns you +10 to your blogging skill.
You are welcome.
I was going to say Devil D was #1 on search results for CanJob but then I actually searched.
Turns out Canjob, Mexico is a real place with many Google search results. Why didn't my legal counsel alert me? A, you're fired.
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