Monday, October 31, 2011

A Difficult Task

This cartoon seems very relevant to me today. As I have been charged with the task of not killing all the idiots I deal with on a daily basis.

via toothpastefordinner

New Lollipop Chainsaw trailer

Just in time for your ghoulish Halloween activities tonight is a new trailer for Lollipop Chainsaw. It's chocked full of fun for the kiddies.

Seriously, I'm super amped for this game (and yes I know that says way to much about me). I'm probably going to have to hide it from my wife though. I guess I could be hiding worse things, dead bodies or other families for example. I hear that's what broke up Kim Kardashian and her marriage to that guy, dead bodies.


Here's a guy selling a 2000 Toyota Corolla. It's way more entertaining than it sounds. Trust me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Boo, links

Stephen Speilberg blames George Lucas for Indy 4 being awful. My favorite part about this is that Speilberg says it was Lucas' idea to use space aliens which of course "ruined" the movie. However it was Speilberg's idea to have Indy survive a nuclear explosion in a refrigerator. How about we just say it was a team effort?

Yes Google Stole from Apple, and it's a good thing. I can't believe Jobs had the balls to sue google for stealing from Apple given how much IP Apple has stolen. The best part of the article is the apple freaks in the comments section that can't help but defend the double standard.

Real World Star sues MTV. Tanya, who has always been one of my favorite Challenge veterans, claims that a Kenny and Evan sexually assaulted her with a toothbrush. I'm not sure which is worse, the allegation or discovering that MTV actually has a "rape clause" in their contracts.

Patton Oswalt narrates a reality star's trip to the pumpkin patch. I have no idea who he's ripping on but it's highlarious none the less.

Win a Prize; Tackle a Girl

What's the only thing better than watching girls play the game of football poorly in their underwear? Getting to tackle a girl playing football poorly in her underwear. At least that's what the marketing wizards behind the latest Lingerie Football League promotion would have you believe. Take it away Chet:

Here’s your chance to score with the LFL! We’re giving one lucky fan the opportunity to experience what true fantasy football really is with a chance to tackle an LFL team player during halftime at Lingerie Bowl IX in Las Vegas! Enter now for your chance to win a VIP trip for you and a friend to Las Vegas and see if you can take down an LFL Player.

Prizing Includes:

•Roundtrip airfare for 2 to Las Vegas, NV
•2 night hotel accommodations at the Palms Casino & Resort
•2 Tickets to Lingerie Bowl IX
•Chance to tackle an LFL Player during halftime
•VIP Experience: Private meet & greets, no-wait VIP access to Lingerie Bowl Weekend parties in Vegas, autographed merchandise
•$250 Gift card

via withleather

I love how they use the phrase "see if you can take down an LFL player". Not only are they openly challenging your manhood but there's a subtle reference to oral sex hiding between the all the overtly sexual references.

True story time. I took a writing class once (yeah, I know. what happened?) and the teacher taught us that 99 percent of all ad copy is sexual in some way. Now I can't look at an ad for anything without making it all about sex. Old Spice: High Endurance? They totally mean high endurance in the sack. Burger King lets you have it your way? Yeah, "your way" as in doing it in the kitchen.

What were we talking about? Oh yeah, I think the NFL needs to run the same promo. If I can enter a contest to tackle Mark Rypien's daughter I think it's only fair that my wife should have the chance to tackle Red Bryant.

Get out of the shark pool

I wish this was real.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fantasy vs Reality

F it, I'm voting for Herman Cain

I don't even know what this is. It's supposed to be a campaign ad for Herman Cain starig his chief of staff Mark Block but I'm pretty sure it's viral marketing for a new X-Files spin off staring the smoking man. Either way he's got my vote.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Futurama Alignment chart

click to embiggen
I love my wife very much, that's why I'm blogging and watching Parenthood on the DVR with her instead of playing Battlefield 3 right now.

I'm so calling in sick tomorrow.

Gunslinging links

Dark Tower is going to be an HBO series. maybe. I've never read the Dark Tower books but I have read a few of the comics and they were pretty cool. I'm looking forward to watching this show a year after it comes out on DVD, because I'm cheap.

Steve Jobs Biography hints at apple tv. "It will have the simplest user interface you could imagine. I finally cracked it" Finally cracked what? The TV? If you need a simpler TV you're an idiot. TV's aren't that hard to figure out.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have inappropriate jerseys. Oh I see what you did here Justin. Very clever.

A Stormtrooper's family album. OMG this is so cute.. reminds me of the the time I used to spend with my son before I bought Battlefield 3 this afternoon..

just kidding, Logan.. kind of

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dungeons & Dragons cheat codes

The Pillars of Battlefield 3: Destruction

This is the week, the week I ignore my real family and embrace my new family of M1-A1s and AR-15s. I know this sounds stupid for a 30 year old with a toddler at home but I was honestly bummed when I found out the Fred Meyer by my house was opening tonight at midnight just for Battlefield 3. I've already pre-ordered my copy at the Game Stop by work. Meaning instead of being late to work Wednesday because I've been up all night playing the most awesomest game since Bonestorm, I could have been late to work Tuesday. That's a whole day earlier! Think of how behind I'm going to be. ARGH!

Oh yeah, here's a new commercial or something. Does it even matter at this point?!

after the jump I've included trailers highlighting the new Vehicles plus Multiplayer and Single Player game modes.

Lets talk about how awful this is

Here's the first Lucasfilms stamp of approved trailer for the Phantom Menace rerelease.. in 3d!

You know what, I don't think I want to talk about how awful this is. There's just so much to hate.. the idea that Lucas honestly believe you should see Episodes I-III before you watch IV-VI is just sooo argh!

See I told you I didn't want to talk about this.

The plan here is that Lucas is going to rerelease each movie, in 3-d, about a year apart from each other. Which if my math doesn't fail me, means my son will be 5 years old when the good trilogy hits theaters. That leaves me in quite a pickle. Nothing and I mean nothing would make me happier than seeing these movies in the theater with my son. The problem is they won't really be the movies I love anymore. They'll be in glorious Han shot first 3d! I don't even want to think about it..

This is why parenting is so hard. Maybe Logan will really like Star Trek.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Raptured Links

The Quick rise and immediate fall of the Punisher TV show. Fox is looking at producing a pilot for a Punisher TV show. One where The Punisher is a cop who fights crime as a costumed vigilante at night. So basically it's a Daredevil TV show without Ben Affleck.

The Lingerie Football League wants to start a youth league. Teenage girls in Lingerie playing football, I don't see what can go wrong here. Hold on a minute there's someone from the FBI at my door.

A bad day at the Shore. Suposedably these are The 11 saddest quotes by the cast of the Jersey Shore. The saddest part is that none of them start with "hey put down that gun"

Gerber Gator Machete Pro. It's a machete with an axe head built in. If this thing won't split some zomibe skulls nothing will.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Noses. My life as an artist has no meaning. I could never come up with someone so brilliant. Good thing Battlefield 3 comes out next week. That should give me something to do.

Cronicle, the shaky cam, emo superhero movie you didn't know you wanted

So.. Here's a trailer for the movie Cronicle, which sort of looks to be the Cloverfield of superhero movies. I kind of dig it, kind of hate it. I mean, I'm over 30 so I'm naturally inclined to hate teenagers (get off my lawn! literally. There were kids on my lawn this morning), on the other hand I'm a huge geek so I'm drawn to anything with superpowers. Plus the movie takes place in Seattle. I'll watch anything if it takes place in Seattle.

Seriously, I watched Assasins a couple months ago just because it was shot in Seattle. 10 things I Hate About You, Say Anything, Singles, all classics. I know I'm a total goober, but I love pointing and being all like "I drive by that McDonalds every day!".

Anyhoo back to the point. Cronicle looks ok, but I can't help feeling it would be better if it was called Chronical and it starred Redman and Method Man.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

My name is Inigo Montoya. You didn't do your homework, prepare to die

My son Logan turns 2 in November. I'd like to think in my almost 2 years of being a parent I've learned a bunch about parenting, some of it through books, some though experience, most of it through Yo Gabba Gabba. One thing I learned early on, you can't sword fight your kids. No matter how much they talk back. Take it away Q13news!
Fremont Seay, the father, tried to discipline his daughter by hitting her with multiple switches. Then as a tactic change, he made her dress in medieval clothing and fight him for hours with a wooden sword.

Seay allegedly told investigators that he was a renaissance fighter and that because his daughter was 16, he had the right to fight her with a wooden sword.

After the sword fight, the girl texted a friend who called 911.

Wait a minute! She was 16? 16 seems about the right age to challenge your children to swordfights. Are we supposed to wait until they're 18?

What is this canada?

video of the news story after the jump

The links the internet deserves

Carla Gugino joins the cast of Justified. Carla Gugino who you may know from her appearances in Sin City, Sucker Punch, The Watchmen or Saved by the Bell has been cast as a US Marshall in season 3 of Justified. Thank goodness they finally hired someone good looking to be on that show.

Kirk Cameron threw himself the most depressing birthday ever. I ran this the other day, and it bares repeating. Especially since then the internet was flooded with Kirk Cameron defenders. I don't care how humble or down to earth you are, that party looks like it blows.

15 great #occupywallstreet cartoons. Occupy protesters: concerned Americans with a strong grasp on the socio-economic issues of the day or dirty hippies looking for an excuse to urinate in public?

The Greatest, Strangest and most obscure Cosplay at NYCC. Cosplay roundups take too much time, so here's someone else's roundup. I've got TPS reports to fill out.

New Avengers Trailer!

I don't know, the special effects still look good but Robert Downey Jr looks like he's put on some weight.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bricks of War

Uber geek and master youtuber Kooberz made this Gears of War Lego stop-motion animation. It's awesome and I'm not just saying that because I felt like burning down my office this afternoon. In fact this videos coolness is hardly related to my shitty day at all. I dare say that I'd enjoy it just as much if I didn't have suppliers breaking my balls all day. it too much to ask for just one chainsaw gun?

via geeksaresexy

Zombieland the TV show, why not?

Yesterday Vulture (which is a thing on the internet, I guess) reported that Fox is looking to adapt Zombieland into a TV show. Take it away Vulture:

We hear talks are well under way with Fox Broadcasting and Columbia’s sister unit, Sony Pictures Television, to put the zom-com into development for the 2012-13 season. If it happens, it will actually be sort of fitting.

As Zombieland producer Gavin Polone noted, “The original plan for this was to make it as a TV show.” Indeed, CBS actually ordered a pilot script for the concept all the way back in 2005, “but they did what networks do, which is to take all the good stuff out.”

I'm shocked it took this long for another network to get on board the zombie train (I'm looking at you CW). I mean everyone LOVES The Walking Dead and it's not even that good. I mean it's good, it's just not that good. Certianly not good enough to be the only zombie show on TV.

Besides Zombieland is fun, you ever read The Walking Dead comic? After every issue I feel like taking a shower and hugging my family for about 20 minutes. Zombieland just made me want to hang out with Bill Murray and shoot things, advantage Zombieland.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Family Feud is dirtier than I remember

Anyone who's watched more than 5 minutes of Family Feud knows that every once in a while the producers throw a question in there meant to embarrass everyone involved. I'm guessing someone got a huge bonus when they came up with the question "name something you put in your mouth but don't swallow".

Monday, October 17, 2011

TV’s Best Worst Very Special Episodes

Uber nerd Jeff Wysaski, of PleatedJeans fame, put together a supercut of Very Special Episodes from the 80s and 90s. I haven't watched it yet, cause the internet at work SUCKS.. plus I probably shouldn't be watching youtube clips at work anyway, which also sucks. However, I've been told this does include the time when Tom Hanks was on Family Ties as Michael J Fox's drunk uncle which was AWESOME.

Up until that episode I had no idea cough syrup had alcohol in it. Cough Syrup! I have tons of that lying around the house. It's delicious, and helped clear up my sinuses.

The post where I clear out my random picture folder

My Random image folder has gotten a little full over the last few days. So here's a bunch of funny pictures without any real context. If you're a level 40 web surfer you've probably seen most of these, but lets face it. If you're a level 40 you have plenty of time to see these again.

more after the jump.. just do it

Another Batman Arkham City Trailer

Another week another trailer for Arkham City. This one is the final "launch trailer" so I guess that makes it special. The game comes out tomorrow and sadly I won't be getting a copy. Good news for you is that makes shopping for me this Christmas way easier.

Also a heads up don't buy me a used copy of this one, if you do you end up having to pay an extra 10 bucks to unlock Catwoman (a one time code included with any new copy of the game). Stupid greedy video game companies.

Friday, October 14, 2011


The most inappropriate Halloween costumes of all time. Dressing up like Slave Leia is great, but there's something weird when you go out dressed as the slave and the slave holder, Jabba. Unless we're cool with slavery now? We're not right? Is this racist to even talk about?

I voted for Obama.

9 actors who were never supposed to leave their castmates in the dust. 10 years ago if you had told me Alyson Hannigan would be staring in a hit TV show while Sarah Michelle Gellar was on whatever you'd call Ringer is on the CW I would have hit you over the head with a beer bottle. I may or may not have had an unhealthy crush on Buffy.

Herman Cain stole is 9-9-9 plan from Sim City. This also just in. Black Walnut from Haggen Daz was discontinued a while ago, making it a defacto flavor of the month.

Tear off flyer contest at Threadless. It's a link to a link but just go with it. Super Punch has posted a ton of rad pictures of funny flyers to celebrate a contest going on at Threadless. I've posted a few of my favorites after the jump.

We are the fictional 1%

Comics alliance put together some pretty great super-hero responses to the Occupy Wall Street movement. I'm pretty sure that Batman could run on a utility belt platform and still beat Rick Perry in a straw poll. Seriously, what happened to that guys campaign? He might as well change his first name to Newt.

more after the jump, I swear.

The new Muppets trailer

Here's the new trailer for The Muppets. It looks pretty awesome. And not just awesome for a kids movie, I mean awesome for any sort of movie.

I just wikipediaed it, and while it seems unbelievable, this is the first Muppet movie since 1999s Muppets from Space. That's 12 years since the last Muppet movie! How did that happen? Also what ever happened to TRL? man I loved that show.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cute kid Kumite

This seals it, my son Logan is totally learning some Karate. He's already sort of a bully at day care, if he learned any sort of martial arts he'd be unstoppable.

BTW, have you ever thought about how many kids you could take in a fight? I figure if they're under the age of 5 I could probably take on like 40 or 50 before I punched myself tired. However if they're around 10 I'd probably only be able to take out a handful before they went all 3 ninjas on me.

How to use Siri

Voltron: The End

Here's a very fancy Voltron fan film staring Timothy Omundson of Deadwood. I have no idea what this is for, other than awesomeness. There's already a Voltron movie in the works. Maybe the director of this is lobying for the gig.

My guess is he'd have better luck washing Michael Bay's ferrari, but whatevs..

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stupid Links

9 actresses hotter than Rihanna, the sexiest woman alive. In case you hadn't heard some magazine named Rihanna the sexiest woman alive. As expected the internet reacted with "lol, such and such is way hoter!" I thought this screen junkies list was particularly dreadful, not only because they included Lindsey Lohan and Hayden Panettiere but because they forgot Diora Baird, who sometimes still gets acting jobs.

Darth Maul, 1999-99.. and now 2012? George Lucas wants the producers of the Clone Wars to bring back Darth Maul. Of course he does. In 20 years when the original trilogy is released on holo-disc I'm guessing he'll get edited into the cantina scene. It helps tie the trilogies together!

Microsoft résumés confirm the next generation Xbox. I know the next Xbox is coming, but I don't want to hear about it. You have any idea how expensive childrens clothes are? I can barely afford games these days much less new gaming systems. Where's my bailout? #occupymybasement

Books-a-Million removes DC titles from shelves. A couple of the larger chains have pulled DC books off the shelves due to their exclusive digital availability on the kindle fire. In DC's defense it's not like they knew other retailers had their own tablets. I mean where do you even find that kind of information these days?

Ace is the helpful hardware place.. for Zombies

The Westlake Ace hardware in Lenexa Kansas is trying to corner the market on Zombie preparedness. No fooling. Take it away Westlake Ace Hardware press release:

There has been a rise of the undead across the country, but this doesn’t have to put a damper on the daily lives of our citizens. As the zombie awakening spreads across the country, Westlake Ace Hardware is the Zombie Preparedness Headquarters.

Westlake Hardware’s online Zombie Preparedness Center ( is the first stop for identifying and handling any zombie-related need, from getting rid of the smell of rot and decay to safely removing zombie limbs from your yard.

Westlake Hardware’s Zombie Preparedness Experts can help you find the best protective gear for your individual needs. These experts advise residents in adopting best practices for dealing with zombies.

It's a brilliant move for them. Have you ever been to an Ace Hardware? It's the home improvement equivalent of shopping at Best Buy for a computer. If you check out their website you'll notice they don't just sell stuff to help humans with the inevitable zombie horde, they also sell things for the modern day zombie looking to stave off decay while staying active around the house.

While I'm pretty satisfied with my overall zombie preparedness, I'm bookmarking their page just in case I ever turn.

I've included a commercial for the store after the jump

We're Gonna Party Today or something

Soooo, it's 3am and I'm moving into my second hour of really awful chest pains thanks to Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or maybe it's a heart attack, at this point does it matter? Here's DJ Lance Rock and the rest of the Yo Gabba Gabba crew plus The Roots and Bootsie and Biz Markie singing We're Gonna Party Today.

If you have kids or you're really high, you're welcome.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Avengers trailer is here

Set your nerd boners to turgent, 'cause here's the official trailer for The Avengers. It's a pretty solid first showing for what Marvel hopes will be the blockbuster of 2012. Every main character gets a small chance to shine and we get a general idea of the plot. The only villain they show is Loki but I'd be surprised if some Skrulls or Kree don't show up. The trailer seems to imply an alien invasion kind of storyline, and while it might stay true to the comic book origin of the Avengers, I just don't see Joss Wheadon reusing the villain from Thor and calling it a day.

Also 2/1 odds that Eliza Dushku shows up somewhere.

I wanted to post this earlier today but I had to wait for the trailer to show up on youtube. Apple's media player sucks, it's not hulu bad but it's close. Honestly iTunes is the reason I don't have an iPhone. The nicest thing I've ever heard anyone say about iTunes is that "it's not that bad".

Funny, no one was using that quote on facebook last week.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Epic Playstation commerical is indeed epic

This new ad for the Playstation 3 is pretty freaking cool. I didn't watch it at first because I was all like "PS3 sux", but now I'm all like "PS3 is rad". It's 1,000 times better than all those Xbox commercials where they slow down the action and play some sad song, like slaughtering mutants with chainsaw guns is supposed to be poignant.

Also I have a feeling if all the games I played met at a bar to talk about me, they'd be all like "Kevin abandoned us right when the game got difficult. Huzzah!"

Please don't do this to your dog

that is all.

The Official Trailer for Mr. Kong

Here's the official trailer to the fake movie Mr. Kong. It's only 2 and a half minutes long and it already looks like the best video game movie ever made. Seriously, I would pay to see this in theaters.

In fact if a studio had the cojones to actually make this movie maybe they'd bring back Yoshi Lime slurpees. Man I miss Yoshi lime...

Friday, October 7, 2011

C-3PO sounds a bit more "urban"

I'm not sure if Black C-3PO was meant to be a Blue Ray edit gag or not. Either way it's easily the funniest Star Wars joke I've seen in a long long time. In fact, if I had to spend $79.99 on either this 3 minute youtube clip or the Star Wars Blue Ray pack I'm pretty sure I'd buy the youtube clip.

Just kidding, I don't have $79.99.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


The first time I used an Apple Computer. Unlike some nerds I don't have a whole bunch of positive things to say about Steve Jobs or Apple. But I can say one nice thing. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of the company that created the first computer I ever used, the Apple IIe, and my favorite computer or all time, the Apple IIgs. So for that, I'll admit he's had a big influence in my life.

Why Marvel's Spider-Island should work, but does. The other day I posted something about Spider-Man on facebook and some hipster responded all "you still read spider-man? there are way better comics out there". I told him to shut his pretentious mouth. Dan Slott is killing it right now so go stuff your Sweet Tooths in a sack mister.

Espn Magazine's NSFWish Body issue. I know everyone else is going with OMG HOPE SOLO NUDE! but I thought I'd put something up for the ladies. Am I crazy or does Apollo Ohno look like Wolverine here?

Kate Upton's circus photoshoot. OMG KATE UPTON NUDE!

1,000 Popsicle stick stickbomb

I'm not sure if this is really a "new record" but this 1,000 Popsicle stick stickbomb is impressive none the less. If you don't know what a stick bomb is it's basically a way of weaving Popsicle sticks or tongue depressors together under tension so that if you push or pull a trigger stick the whole thing jumps in the air. Laying one out like dominoes makes for a super cool floaty effect thing that I think scientists actually call the stickbomb floaty effect. Or they don't, what do I know.

The Angry Soccer birds are here

Here's a couple soccer goalies pulling off some sweet trick shots with an Angry Birds theme.

A couple years ago I had a discussion with a friend of mine that went like this. If you put a world class goal keeper like Kasey Keller (who was at the time) on an average rec team would he be able to score like 20 goals and just completely dominate? At first I was all like, nuh-uh he's a keeper he probably doesn't even know how to dribble. However, the video above combined with the fact that my rec team last week was worked over by a guy who played keeper in college lead me to believe yes, Casey Keller would score about 20 goals if he ever played against any rec team I've ever played on.

That is until I stepped on his achilles out of frustration that no one on my team was marking Keller. He's just scored 20 goals why isn't anyone following him!?

Nic Cage could've been the Scarecrow

Lets cut to the quick. If Batman and Robin hadn't tanked so bad* the next Batman film Joel Schumacher was working on would have stared Nic Cage as the Scarecrow.

Nic Cage as the Scarecrow... Directed by Joel Schumacher.

Supposedably the plot would have revolved around the Scarecrow doping Batman into seeing all of his worst enemies including Jack Nicholson (still under contract) as the Joker. Now I've expressed my morbid desire to see Nic Cage as superman before, but Nic Cage shoulder to shoulder with Jack Nicholson? I now know what I'll be dreaming about tonight...

.. that did not sound right.

* Believe it or not Batman and Robin made tons of cash. Technically it was a hit, however it was so critically panned that the studio decided they should put the property on the shelf for a while

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Emma Frost needs a vesty pantsuit

It's no secret that Emma Frost has a pretty ridiculous costume. Sometimes she gets to wear pants, but most of the time she's basically wearing white lingerie. It's one of those things that somehow is so insane it just seems right. You'll find 100 times as many angry nerds ranting about Power Girl's boob window than you will about Emma Frost's thigh highs. Well Sebastian Shaw is sick of that shit.

FYI, boobwouir is my new favorite word.

Tag these links

Posting stupid stuff on facebook is why you don't have a job. I've always thought the whole thing about potential employers searching your facebook for dirt on you was a myth, like the Yeti or Presbyterians. Turns out a recent forbes survey shows that almost 70 percent of all employers do it.

Why Piracy didn't destroy the music industry. Excellent article on how it was really Apple that busted the "album model" that the music industry is still desperately clinging to. I knew there was another reason to hate Apple. Wait.. that's a reason to love Apple. Ack my world has been torn asunder!

Hardcore 16 shot drinking battleship game. Generally speaking I'm too old to play drinking games BUT I would make a very large exception for drinking Battleship. It looks sweet bro.

It's official xbox 360 gets television. This is pretty much the worst announcement since the iPhone 4s. You can now watch cable TV over xbox live, provided you already have cable TV to start with. Is this for people that don't have an input selector on their remote?

Insert "mjolnir" joke here

I have a pretty diverse group of nerdy friends. They rank all the way from "had sex in high school", to "owning more comics than I do" so some of them may not be aware that the Mystery Theater 3000 guys are still doing the same old shtick on the internet. Except now it's called Rifftrax and you have to download an mp3 and synch it up with your DVD and zzzzzzzzz...

..I love mst3k as much as the next guy with horn rimmed glasses but they always lose me there. Anyhoo, Here's a 5 minute preview of the Thor Rifftrax. It's pretty awesome. I mean not awesome enough for me to bother with that whole mp3 nonsense, but awesome enough for me to have spent the last 5 minutes of my life sharing it with you.

The Amazing Racism

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Amazing Racism - Geographical Bigotry
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook
In response to the whole n-word controversy surrounding presidential candidate Rick Perry, Daily Show correspondent Wyatt Cenac reports on Geographical Bigotry from around the US.

I agree with his summary, clearly there aren't enough black people making maps. That's not racist if I say it right? It kind of sounded racist.. ack, what to do?

I voted for Obama!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Walking Dead: Torn Apart

So for whatever reason the producers of the Walking Dead decided to throw us bloodthirsty TV zombies a bone in the form of a couple of webisodes. They're pretty good I guess. Part of my kind of feels like they're ripping off that Dead Island trailer in a generic sort of way. Like they thought if they just threw some random family falling apart I'd start squirting tears.

Maybe I'd feel more for this family if they had a reasonable zombie plan. I mean seriously, zombies start attacking everyone and the first thing they do is to tell little Timmy and Jimmy to go play in the other room?

Monday, October 3, 2011

There's always money in the banana stand

So my tumblrs just blew up with the news that a Arrested Development is getting a new 10 episode season and a movie. Ok to be technical about it, my tumblrs might have blown up yesterday. I'm on vacation so I'm barely even paying attention to anything.
”Arrested Development creator Mitchell Hurwitz, at the New Yorker Festival cast reunion, just announced plans to bring back the critically acclaimed TV series for one more season — ahead of a long-anticipated Arrested Development movie.

The New York Times’ Dave Itzkoff reports that the new season will be composed of 9-10 “where are they now” episodes, providing context for the film.”

via buzzfeed.

Jason Bateman and Will Arnett have confirmed the news via twitter, which I think it legally binding these days. So either this is the greatest day ever for nerdy TV viewers or we're all in the middle of the worst episode or Punked ever. I guess we'll know for sure if Dax Shepard shows up to the set in place of Michael Cera.


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