Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, October 06, 2011 |
Filed Under: science,
I'm not sure if this is really a "new record" but this 1,000 Popsicle stick stickbomb is impressive none the less. If you don't know what a stick bomb is it's basically a way of weaving Popsicle sticks or tongue depressors together under tension so that if you push or pull a trigger stick the whole thing jumps in the air. Laying one out like dominoes makes for a super cool floaty effect thing that I think scientists actually call the stickbomb floaty effect. Or they don't, what do I know.
My name is Kevin and I blog, mostly about nerdy stuff. I'm old enough to know that Gobots came before Transformers and geeky enough to care.
If you have something cool or nerdy you just have to share, e-mail me at kevin @
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