Monday, February 28, 2011
Now that's a combo
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, February 28, 2011 |
Filed Under:
marvel vs capcom,
video games

Sunday, February 27, 2011
ThunderCats Ho!
Here's the first official trailer for the new ThunderCats cartoon. I'm still not sold on Lion-O. He's a bit too Cowboy Bebop for my liking but I guess I'll wait and see. I mean it can't be worse than the new Transformers cartoon, have you seen how awful that thing looks? It makes House Party 2 look like House Party 3.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Funny Pics from the Nerdery Folder
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, February 24, 2011 |
Filed Under:
funny things,
random king of the hill reference,
video games,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Vacationing Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas,
computer games,
half life 2,
video games

Monday, February 21, 2011
Holy &*#@ Best buy sells a $700 HDMI Cable

The only way I can make sense of this is that Best Buy is actively trolling nerds like me... and of course it's working. Here are a few of the "most helpful" reviews on their site.
"I must say, I was a bit disappointed in this cable. I saved up for 6 months to buy it. (I work at Wendy's so I don't make a lot of money). When I first plugged it into my dvd player, I was impressed at how well it fit into the socket. It's probably from the gold plating. When I went to hook up the other end to my 36" Dynex, I was so angry to find it only had a DVI input. So I bought a DVI to HDMI adapter at Radio Shak, and was able to make it work. I couldn't really tell much of a difference between my Monster cables, but it probably just takes a while to get used to. I would recommend it to a friend."
"I was amazed this cable was still in stock. I use it to power my 14.4 inch crt because i can't afford an lcd. I was initially concerned about the cost but once i did my research and found out this cable is manufactured with the mineral "doesnotexistium" i knew i had to have one. When its not in use on my crt i use it to hold the drapes back. I have ordered 5 more. We have a lot of drapes."
I hope to God no one has ever actually bought these cables (I'm looking your way Loren) and they only exist in some sort of universe composed entirely of Internet commenters.
Apollo 18
So this trailer hit the web last week but I missed it. It looks pretty awesome. I don't think there's a better horror sub genre than space horror. Alien, Event Horizon, Pandorum, Leprechaun in space... they're all classics.
Wolverine vs The Hand
I'm not really sure what this is. I'm sure it's wolverine fighting some ninjas in a real artsy kinda way but past that I don't have a clue. I think it's french, it looks french to me.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Indonesian Supergirl is rip-off-tastic
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, February 18, 2011 |
Filed Under:

Anytime I complain about how awful something like the Wonder Woman TV show sounds remind me of this video. It's 6 minutes of shakey butt-cam footage of the Indonesian Supergirl movie. Why is she wearing a Spider-Woman costume? If you have to ask you really can't handle the answer.
New Thor Trailer
So here the new Thor trailer. I think this is the best stuff we've seen from the movie so far. Also I'm pretty sure I now have a man crush on Chris Hemsworth. Something about the beard and the accent... wait, I mean Natalie Portman what a hottie! whew that was close..
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I for one welcome our new Ken Jennings overlords
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, February 17, 2011 |
Filed Under:
random simpsons reference,

The Dead Island Trailer made me cry
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, February 17, 2011 |
Filed Under:
dead island,
things that make me cry,
video games,

Seriously this is the worst thing ever. It's right up there with the end of the Notebook and the part in Iron Giant where the robot says "superman".
I'm going on vacation next week and I swear if there's a zombie outbreak while I'm having fun in the sun I'm going to be very cross.
I'm going on vacation next week and I swear if there's a zombie outbreak while I'm having fun in the sun I'm going to be very cross.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
and we have a Wonder Woman
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
gratuitous use of babes,
horrible tv shows,
wonder woman

I guess this is big news, but I'm having a hard time getting worked up for it. I mean yeah it's Wonder Woman and a cute girl but what are the real odds that this show actually makes it on the air? It has been reported that in the pilot script Wonder Woman uses the phrase "you go girl" and at one point has an ice cream pajama party with her best friend. That's right a pajama party. The same Wonder Woman that just a couple years ago did this...

...has a pajama party. Whatevers, it's just a stupid TV show. I guess I should be glad she doesn't have a monkey butler or a wacky gay neighbor (wait seriously, there's a gay neighbor? /facepalm).
Here's some pictures of Ms. Palicki. You'll have to use your imagination and pretend she's wearing hot pants and a bustier, the invisible jet is optional.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
These are the Legos you're looking for

Thank goodness I didn't see this before I went to Toys R Us last weekend. Instead of leaving with swimming diapers and a new bathmat I would've spent a thousand dollars on Star Wars Legos. I'm sure I could've figured out a way to fashion them into diapers.

Elementary my dear Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 |
Filed Under:
duke nukem,
the rock,
video games,

How to Steal Stuff: the guide

via the highdefinite
Monday, February 14, 2011
I'd like to hear from Sideshow Mel
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, February 14, 2011 |
Filed Under:
arcade fire,
random simpsons reference,

And as a side note, I'm so much of a Hipster that I totally knew who Arcade Fire were and had already considered them overrated way back in 2007. Also I was surprised to here Eminem was still making albums.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Avengers Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Sunday, February 13, 2011 |
Filed Under:
the avengers

So here's a fan made trailer for the Avengers movie that's due in 2012. Sure it's just clips of Thor, The incredible Hulk, Captain America and Iron Man 2 edited together but it's a thousand times better than the Avengers movie they made with Ralf Fiennes and Uma Thurman. Seriously Ralf Fiennes was the worst Captain America ever. Who decided he should have an umbrella and not a sword? Communists right?
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Wayne Rooney likes to ride that Bicycle
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Saturday, February 12, 2011 |
Filed Under:
awesome goals,
manchester united,
random queen reference,
wayne rooney

This is not a bad way to win a game. I mean it's not as cool as that one time I scored a goal after the keeper had fallen down, but hey they can't all be magic.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Howlin' For You
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, February 11, 2011 |
Filed Under:
diora baird,
fake trailers,
gratuitous use of babes,
tricia helfer

So this is a fake movie trailer which is really a video for the Black Key's latest song Howlin' For You. I guess the song is ok, and the fake movie looks interesting. The important part here is that it stars Diora Baird and Tricia Helfer. You're welcome Cory.
Remi Cart 2
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, February 11, 2011 |
Filed Under:
mario cart,
the french,
video games

Here's notorious french prankster Remi Gaillard revisiting his youtube-ariffic Mario Cart in real life skit.
Remi Gaillard is about the only cool thing the French have ever given us, other than fries and kissing, oh and Jacques Cousteau and Eva Green. I guess they also invented hot air balloons and pencils. Ok France you win this round.
via thehighdefinite
Remi Gaillard is about the only cool thing the French have ever given us, other than fries and kissing, oh and Jacques Cousteau and Eva Green. I guess they also invented hot air balloons and pencils. Ok France you win this round.
via thehighdefinite
Lindsay Lohan loses at the internet
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, February 11, 2011 |
Filed Under:
celebrities are idiots,

Thursday, February 10, 2011
It's Magneto's back... woohoo

Update! here's the trailer. Jeez what took you so long Fox?
Captain America F Yeah!
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, February 10, 2011 |
Filed Under:
captain america,
team america: world police,

Yeah, so I guess we all should have seen this coming.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Links, now with 25 percent more links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 |
Filed Under:
fox news,
internet meme,
the simpsons,
video games

Spider-Man, really?
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 |
Filed Under:
awful art,
bad ideas,
the fantastic four

Allow me to elaborate. The black and white costumes look terrible. The new logo makes no sense if there's still four of them. Why replace one smart-ass man child in The Human Torch with another one in Spider-Man (who is already in the Avengers)? Mr Fantastic looks like he just smelled a fart. Do I really need to go on?
update, seattle washington: This is artwork for the upcoming book FF, which stands for Future Foundation not the Fantastic Four. Also I've heard Hickman has been doing a bang up job with the Fantastic Four lately and I'm eagerly looking forward to picking up some trades. It still looks like Reed is trying to figure out who delt it.
I guess this is the part where I go off about how The Simpsons sucks these days but I just don't have the energy anymore. It's the equivalent of ranting about how awful the Star Wars prequels were. It's never going to change anything and no one is really going to argue the point. I guess the lesson is things should never change... hmmm that seems like a really crappy lesson.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
11 year old boy pwns moms debit card
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 |
Filed Under:
awesome parenting,
video games,
xbox live

A desperate mother has condemned Microsoft after her 11-year-old son racked up a £1,000 debt on her debit card - through his Xbox. Brendan Jordan racked up a bill of £1,082.52 on his Xbox without realising all the purchases were being charged to his mum Dawn Matthews' card. The schoolboy made the payments to buy accessories and new games on his console after it saved the details of a previously registered card.
Single mum-of-two Dawn, 37, from Strood, Kent, has now complained to Microsoft but claims the computer giant is ignoring her. She said:
"When I put my card details in 18 months ago I thought it was just for his membership to play online with his friends."
"I work two jobs just to look after my family and pay the bills so I cannot afford all these extortionate charges. A thousand pounds isn't that much to people like Bill Gates, but for a single mum it is a lot of money that I don't have."
Dawn wants her experience to be a lesson to other parents and blames Microsoft for making it 'too easy' for her son to spend the money. She said:
"Brendan is 11 and knows his times tables but it was only when I explained to him that he realised how much money he had spent. When I showed him he burst into tears. He unplugged the Xbox and said he didn't want it anymore."
So to be fair and all unsnarky like I totally did something similar when I was a teenager. I had just received a super rad 14.4kbs modem for Christmas and I convinced my mom to buy a AOL subscription. I think back then they were only giving away 10 free hours when you signed up. It was a time when no one was offering dial up plans with unlimited hours.
Within a month I had racked up something like $100 in extra hours. I felt so bad, I had warned my mom that I thought I might have gone slightly over the 10 free hours, but I had no idea I blew through that many so fast. Of course in my defense do you have any idea how long it took to download that one Cindy Crawford picture with a 14.4 modem and an aol account?
days, the answer is days...
Superman Classic
So as long as we're talking Superman lets take a look at this fan made animated short. It's pretty outstanding, especially when you consider this was made in someones spare time. Ok so that guy is a professional animator at Disney, still it's not like when I go home from work I type up a bunch of TPS reports just for fun. Wait a minute... did I have a point there?
Is Lindsay Lohan playing Supergirl?
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas,
diora baird,
gratuitous use of babes,
lindsay lohan,

So someone somewhere reported that Zack Snyder was looking at casting Lindsay Lohan for some undisclosed major role in the new Superman movie. Since they just cast Lois Lane this has everyone (ie. one blogger) wildly speculating that they're talking about Supergirl. Which is so stupid we're not even going to talk about it any further. What we will talk about is Power Girl.

Not that I think Supergirl is going to be in this new remake but if you are going to make a Superman movie, and you want to shoehorn in a Kryptonian lady, why not use Power Girl? Sure she's less well known as Supergirl, but she's also less iconic. Meaning you have a lot more leeway with the character than you would Supergirl. She could be a villain, a love interest, a pawn in some diabolical scheme by Brainiac, your options are endless. Plus she could be played by Diora Baird, amirite?

60 percent of the time...
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 |
Filed Under:
random anchorman reference,
star trek

via thehighdefinite
via smbc
Monday, February 7, 2011
Is Robin in The Dark Knight Rises?

according to Michigan’s WILX: “They looked at the Ledges as well as a water treatment plant located inside the park. Sources say the area is being considered as a hideout for Batman sidekick Robin.”
“They,” of course, being location scouts for The Dark Knight Rises. This sounds pretty airtight to me, since a well-known part of the Robin mythos is that he lives in a water treatment plant. Is this who Joseph Gordon-Levitt is going to be playing?
So there you are, proof positive that someone heard from someone else that knows Robin is going to be in the Dark Knight Rises.
If by some remote chance they do shoehorn Robin in, I'm hoping it's the Stephanie Brown/Spoiler version. Stephanie Brown kicks ass.
Kramerica: The Trailer
Remember when Michael Richards wasn't all racist and stuff? Man those were good days. Anyhoo here's a fan made trailer for the "movie" Kramerica, which is all about the rise and fall of Kramerica industries of course.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Star Wars Begins
Ok this is the coolest effin thing ever. It's a fan made documentary about Star Wars. On one hand I'm surprised that something so awesome was made by a fan and not lucasfilms but then again if it was made by lucasfilms they'd have left out all the interesting stuff. This is just the first part, it's about 120 minutes long so hopefully you have a comfy chair. Honestly this is the first time I've ever wished I had one of those roku boxes with youtube streaming for the tv.
The Captain America Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Sunday, February 06, 2011 |
Filed Under:
captain america,

Ok so Captain America looks good, really good. I mean my wife didn't seem to care that much. I think her exact words were "it's not current Captain America, it's Captain America from World War Two". That was right before she turned it to the Kitten Half Time show.
update, seattle washington: My wife didn't really turn it to the kitten half time show. We watched the entire superbowl. Here's a close up of the Red Skull.
seriously.. how awesome is that?
update, seattle washington: My wife didn't really turn it to the kitten half time show. We watched the entire superbowl. Here's a close up of the Red Skull.

Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday Night Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, February 04, 2011 |
Filed Under:
internet meme,
wonder woman

Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, February 04, 2011 |
Filed Under:
captain america,

Update, seattle washington: I just saw this picture over at filmdrunk. I now want to have this movies babies.

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