Fox News Declares Bulletstorm "Worst Game Ever". I can't see anything about this game without thinking about the Simpsons episode with Bonestorm.
The Best of Hipster Little Mermaid. My favorite part is when they made fun of hipsters.
Rooster Kills man at cockfight.Finally little Jerry Sienfeld gets his revenge.
9 Celebrities who hated Scientology before it was cool. You know it's bad when a guy who wears sequined jumpsuits and eats fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches can see through your BS.
Holy shit I didn't care about that game until I read you could get a chainsaw with spikes and hook people with it! I use Arial Ironically made me laugh out loud, or LOL in internet. Does it make me gay for writing The Little Mermaid was a good movie? I mean so was Lion King, but I don't feel that's as bold a statement for a straight guy to say. Don't get me started on Beauty and the Beast. I have never heard of Steve Allen before tonight. I just got into a argument about Scientology with my roommate last night. He said thetans were fake, I said they were real but didn't mean anything at all. I was gonna start my own blog, but I decided I'd just comment all over yours. Go trolling for comments, and this is what you get Kevin! Why does PBR get singled out as "hipster" IT'S FUCKING GOOD CHEAP BEER. How many times have I clicked on "Gratuitous use of babes" Tag Kevin? Do you have a fancy stat for that? Haha I played battlefield last night, but moved my xbox back out so my roommate could watch netflix if he wanted. However, I did not move the controller back, and he picked up the extra one thinking it was connected to the xbox. Which it isn't, and he isn't tech savvy enough to know how to fix it. So I let him think he broke my xbox for most of the day. Kent.
+1, you win some internets
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