The 122 Best PC Games of the last 22 years. I can't believe Half Life 2 came out in 2004. I haven't been playing computer games for 7 years? That's amazing... and kinda sad.
The Spidey Project. So it's no big secret the Spider-man musical sucks. The Spidey Project is probably also going to suck but it's going to cost about 60 million dollars less.
Shawn Kemp Calls Blake Griffin's dunk weak. I couldn't agree more. This whole jumping over stuff nonsense has to stop. Here's hoping Blake Griffin's Kia sponsored car dunk becomes this generations Cedric Ceballos's blindfold. Seriously there's a guy in And1 that does a 720.. a 720! The best the NBA can do is a guy jumping over the hood of a car? Next time you go to work check out how tall your hood is...
Kemp is right that stuff is weak, people have been posting car jumps on u-toobz since forever. Here's a white kid going over the roof of his grand am, how's that make you feel Griffin?
The last good dunk contest was 2006, Andre Iguodala's stuff was so nasty the judges didn't even know how to score it (it was rigged for Nate Rob anyway).
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