Thursday, April 30, 2009
Children are our future

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I feel safer already
Sleep safe Citizens of Cincinati, the Allegiance of Heroes are on the case! Seriously someone's going to get shot.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Chainsaws for the win

I can't think of a better game to play while you're holed up in your basement waiting out the Pig Flu Pandemic than Dead Rising 2. Dead Rising one was a pretty fun game. It had a couple flaws, missions were either way to easy or way to hard and saving games was a huge hassle. Hopefully they work out a few of the kinks for the sequel. I'm really excited to get my hands on that chainsaw on a stick contraption he has going on in this trailer.
Swine Flu < Regular Flu

2 people in 30 years? Yeah nice try swine flu, why don't you go have a seat next to your buddy Ebola and Bird Flu. We'll get around to worrying about you right after we've taken care of the upcoming robot penguin apocalypse.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Still Better than Spider-Man 3

STATUS: Sort of True
In 1973, writer Do?an Tamer and director T. Fikret Uçak released in Turkey the film 3 Dev Adam, which roughly translates into English as “Three Mighty Men. The “three mighty men” in this instance were Captain America, Spider-Man and the Mexican luchador (wrestler), Santo."
~via comicbook resources
Obviously this wasn't a licensed film, this was back in the 70s when moustaches seemed like a good idea and copyright law barely existed.
The best part here is how similar this movie is to Italian Spider-Man. If you have a couple minutes check out Turkish Spider-man here and Italian Spider-man here.
Friday, April 24, 2009
New Ugly Duckling FTW!
It may have been my wifes birthday yesterday but it felt like mine when I heard Ugly Duckling has a new album out. Check out the video "I won't let it die" from their new CD "Audacity".
Hot Links!

Here are some articles from the past week that were good, just not good enough for me to steal.
How "Fall Guy" Saved Civilization (valerie d'orazio)
Hello Kitty Has Finally Gone Too Damn Far (topless robot)
Thirsty - and Running Dry (pastoral musings from the rain city)
The Nightman Commeth (live). (warming glow)
The Top 20 Reveals From The 2009 Shanghai Auto Show (jalopnik)
Crack The F—king Skye. Your 2009 NFL Draft Jamboroo (deadspin)
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Are you ready for some Football!

I don't know why the Seattle PI stopped publishing a print copy of their paper. They clearly have the best coverage in town of the Seattle Mist. The last round of tryouts were held yesterday. Lets look at some of the highlights of their 33 page (no kidding.. 33 pages) photo gallery.

She already has better throwing mechanics than Rick Mirer ever had
And you thought Troy Polumalu's hair was out of control
I'm sure this isn't what Chuck Knox had in mind when he said football players make football plays
It's always important to stretch
Fanbase or sexual predators you decide
Season Tickets are on sale now! Prices start at 8 dollars and top out at $107. I'm assuming for that kind of cash you also get a "lap dance" in the champagne room.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Breaking News: Video games are popular!

Enjoy this news report from 1988 on the Super Mario Brothers phenomenon. Yes that is Bill O'Reilley, but the best part here is seeing footage inside Nintendo's call center. I can't believe this is what kids used to do to get tips and cheats before Al Gore invented the internet.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Beauty Contestant helps blogger pad his hits

Does her support of "Opposite Marriage" warrant this kind of response by super blogger Perez Hilton?
How many extra hits will I get for running this picture of Miss California in a Bikini?

The only thing we can be sure of is that Perez Hilton's lost a lot of weight. good for him
Hot zombies every month

I'm not sure which was more surprising this morning. Randomly running into a website dedicated to Zombie pin-ups, or realizing that I don't have their calendar yet.
It's almost May and I still don't have a really good calendar for my office, I'm wondering if a calendar that slightly celebrates necrophilia would be considered NSFW.
Monkey Fighting Snakes?
What's interesting here is that this scene was filmed after the movie was done because the internet demanded it. Well guess what internet, you f-ed up. Monkey fighting snakes would have made this movie 1000 times better.
Monday, April 20, 2009
GI Joe: Resolute
It looks like the first couple "episodes" of GI Joe: Resolute has hit I've watched the first one, and it looks pretty sweet. I'll guarantee you it's going to end up better than the Steven Sommers directed garbage that will be in theaters this summer.
Very nice Lamps

this week a very special apperance from puppet ronaldo.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Hot Links!
Harley Quinn?

I swear that this week there have been like a dozen trailers released for Batman: Arkham Asylum. This one looks pretty cool, and gives us what I think is the closest thing we'll ever see to a movie version of Harley Quinn. Personally I love her original costume, but I can't imagine it fitting in with say the costumes from The Dark Knight.

Jimmy Fallon has lost a lot of hair

Future #1 NFL draft pick (and future Detroit lion bust) Matt Stafford was on Late night with Jimmy Fallon the other night. I'm still on the fence with Fallon, he's quirky and awkward just like Conana O'Brien was his first few years on late night but unlike Conan he's just not that likeable. And what's up with that hair line? he's already got that wispy bangs combover thing going on. It's like the awfulness that was Fever Pitch aged him 10 years.
Anyway more to the point, Matt Stafford threw some footballs and plates, which ended up being pretty cool. Detroit can sleep safe knowing Stafford is super accurate from 5 yards out while wearing a suit.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Think your kids are safe in the sandbox?

Zom-Bot sounds like a Zom-Not

Dropping $2,525.99 on a Zombie killing robot might sound like a good idea, but what's going to happen when this thing becomes self-aware and decides that humanity is the real threat to earth, not the zombies? Save yourself $2,400 and just get a stanley fubar III. It comes with a bottle opener built into the hammer head.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I like square butts and I cannot lie

wow burger king... just wow
How long until we get an X-Men Reboot?

Crank 3?

"Can you talk about any particular moment that got your adrenaline up?
We definitely have another Chinatown scene. I don't know if I want to give away. I'll just give you two words: Horse Racetrack."
Ok, if at any point in this movie Statham has sex with a horse my eyes might explode. Do we really need another clerks 2 style donkey show scene?
"Has there been any talk if this movie is successful will there be a 3?
I know definitely that they are talking about a third film but I have no idea what the story would be. "
I know I know, what if they replace his heart with a zombie heart? zombies are super in right now. No wait, lets make it a teenage vampire heart, it could be a sequal to twilight! How about somali pirates? those are in the news a lot.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
This really has to stop

The Expendables will melt your face... and apparently stallone's

The plot revolves around some sort of group of mercenaries hired by the government to take out a south American dictator. But seriously, with this group of thespians are you really looking for plot? I want explosions and gatling guns, and for danny trejo to get a stunner from steve austin right after randy coutoure gets his arm chopped off while wielding twin shotguns.
Expect the end of the world April of 2010. I'm just assuming the world will end because after watching this what's the point, right?
Move over Bald Bull

If movies like Jason X, the Leaprechaun part 5, and Ghosts of Mars have taught us anything, it's that everything is better in space. Ice Cube fighting Zombies... boring. Ice Cube fighting zombies in space? Gold!
where was I? oh yeah here's a video from an unreleased ROM of Mike Tyson's Intergalactic Power Punch. A would be sequal to Mike Tyson's punch out, until Tyson got all rapey. Looks kinda like it would suck, but still it's available for download. It might be worth firing up the old NES emulator.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Andriy Shevchenko = Judas

This has got to be one of the funniest special1tv episodes in a long time. How is it that puppets on the internet give a better recap of the EPL than the talking suits on Fox Soccer Channel?
The State on DVD

The State was an acclaimed but ratings-deficient sketch-comedy television series that ran from 1993 to 1995. Lennon said that the show hasn't debuted before on disc because of music rights issues and the fact that its fan base remains modest. "There was a lot of music clearance issues, and then, you know, it's a cult show," Lennon said. "The fans are die-hard, but there's not tons and tons of them."
This is really horrible news for my wife. She hates it when I break out my DVDs of Mr Show with Bob and David, there's no chance she'll put up with The State.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
George Lucas is kind of a Jerk, who knew?

"David Prowse, the English actor who played (but didn’t voice) Darth Vader in the first three Star Wars , recently told Equity Magazine that he has yet to receive any of the residuals he’s owed for Return of the Jedi … because LucasFilm claims the film hasn’t made a profit ."
Lets see, by last account Return of the Jedi made 475 million dollars and had a reported budget of 32.5 million. Lucasfilms' official stance is that while the movie did turn a gross profit, it didn't actually make any net profit, therefore Prowse isn't owed anything. That's some pretty ballsy accounting right there. I'm guessing these are the kinds of business practices that make sure Kenny Baker and Peter Mayhew are paid in boxes of Mike and Ikes to show up at your local sci-fi convention this weekend while George Lucas can hire Ex NBA stars to carry him to his race car bed every night.
Monday, April 6, 2009
It comes in Sounders Rave Green?

Jalopnik reported this morning that Ford is contemplating bringing the Euro-only Ford Focus RS (along with the torque-steer-gasmic 305 HP turbocharged 2.5-liter five-banger Volvo powerplant) stateside. If you can fit a car seat in the back, this is going to be my next car.
I couldn't find a good video review for the RS, but Top Gear did take a look at the ST.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Never bring a knife to a lobster knife fight

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Don't Get Chumpatized

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
6 reasons Dancing is better than Singing

Stripper poles at 10 paces

Coming to a store near you: Kendra Wilkinson's new line of stripper poles! "I'm coming out with my own stripper pole. Stripper pole, and stripper pole workout," The Girls Next Door star, 23, told at the American Red Cross Red Tie Affair in Santa Monica Saturday.
"It's like Carmen Electra's, but mine is better," she continued. "Mine will connect to the ceiling, and you can spin on it and do all that stuff on it."
~via Us news
If only she had come out with this line of stripper poles sooner maybe her former co-star Holly Madison wouldn't have been eliminated from Dancing with the Stars last night. It's good to know that all the years spent living at the Playboy mansion prepared her for the real world. Really Hef needs to look into getting that place accredited.