Wednesday, April 1, 2009

6 reasons Dancing is better than Singing

It's no big secret that I watch a lot of bad tv, so if anyone has become an expert on all things Seacrest it's this guy (you can't tell but I'm pointing at myself with my thumbs). Now a couple weeks ago Idol really flexed it's muscle by annihilating Dancing with the Stars results show's ratings. In an effort to help right a wrong that I'm sure only I see, here's my top 6 reasons why Dancing with the Stars is better than American Idol.

6. The results show is more entertaining

This is a no brainer. Both shows take a criminally long time to tell you which contestants have been eliminated each week and neither one is a must watch. However, the difference between Idol and Dancing is that Dancing actually tries to put together an entertaining show. There's comedy bits, singing, more dancing, and every once in a while more Kenny Mayne, which is never a bad thing. Idol on the other hand has those stupid group numbers where all the contestants prance around a ford focus singing some song from the 60s. Or worse than that, some sort of vanity re-cap where they spend 10 minutes breaking down how last nights patented awkward exchange between Seacrest and Simon was hilarious.

5. The host is less annoying

Considering the amount of Time Ryan Seacrest has to fill, I think he does a pretty good job. The big problem is that he gets caught in these lapses in judgment where he thinks things are funnier or more entertaining than they really are. Last nights "interview" with Lil Rounds daughter is a prime example. Tom Bergeron is saddled with the truly awful Sammantha Harris and he's still able to keep things moving. That right there should earn him an emmy.

4. The Judges are more coherent

Which is a miracle considering Bruno Tonioli is the most flamboyant idiot savant of all time. I actually like the Idol judges for the most part, but they're critiques have devolved into some sort of American idol Mad libs. Randy says everything is "hawt" or that he's not "feeling it tonight, dog". Paula blabbers about something touchy feely and Simon either says you're good or you sound to Karaoke. This season anything they don't like they blame on the song selection. And don't get me started with Kara... not only is she useless but she starts every critique with "'s the thing" It's driving me insane!

In contrast you take the Dancing with the stars judges. Sure they're as goofy and self centered as any other television judges you'll ever see, but for the most part they actually give criticism intended to help the performers. I can understand when Len says Holly Madison's footwork was to slow. I have no idea what Randy trying to tell me when he thinks Matt Giraud is a bit "pitchy dawg".

3. Washed up stars always trump pimply faced teens

If you want to feel like you really "know" any of the contestants on idol, you have to watch hours and hours of horrible singing in the early episodes. Even then when it comes to the final 12 there's always one or two kids in there that leave you wondering why you've never seen before. However on DWTS you're emotionally invested from day one. Who doesn't know Apollo Ono, Joey Laurence, Clyde Drexler? Or you know that guy from that show you saw once... the one with the hair, Ted McGinley! that's the guy!

2. Idol doesn't really work

What's the last Fantasia Barrino CD you've bought? At least DWTS isn't trying to fool anybody. It's really just an excuse for Steve Guttenberg to get a regular paycheck for a couple months.

1. The winners are better looking

Not to say the winners of Idol are troll dolls, but lets be honest with ourselves for a minute.

Kelly Clarkson vs Kelly Monaco?

Helio vs Ruben?

Ok lets call Carrie underwood and Brooke burke a tie




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