I've been so busy the last few weeks I'm not even sure I posted the trailer for The Last Jedi. So lets just skip that and go straight to this Easter Egg breakdown from The New Rockstars. There's definitely some good stuff in there that I missed the first dozen times I watched it. I'm not 100% sure their educated guesses to storyline points are more than guesses but hey, it's always fun to speculate. Plus my son watched this with me yesterday and said I need to put it on my blog. Not even sure he knows what a blog is yet but that was a fun Sunday,
My name is Kevin and I blog, mostly about nerdy stuff. I'm old enough to know that Gobots came before Transformers and geeky enough to care.
If you have something cool or nerdy you just have to share, e-mail me at kevin @ devildinosaur.com
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