Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Progressive Links

Bill Belichick hates the NFL’s tablets so much he ranted about them for over 5 minutes. It's unfortunate for Microsoft that their name has been featured prominently in most of the articles and tweets I've seen about this. If these were iPads the great Grumblelord Belicheck would still hate them. I mean look at this guy, you know he still has a Thomas map in his car because Siri gave him the wrong directions once. I guess that's the chance you take when you make a big splashy product placement deal, it's great when everything is working but the second something goes wrong every sees it.

5 Bizarre Realities Of Video Game Universes We Just Accept. A couple days ago I mentioned that Rockstar was teasing a Red Dead Redemption sequel. Well they made it official with a release date of (to lazy to look it up) sometime next year. They confirmed it will be available on the PS4 and the Xbox One and.... yeah, there's no PC port. Sons of bitches.

There's a Bizarre Reality I can't accept.

The Weirdest, Most Disturbing 'Sexy' Costumes of 2016. I don't know. Call me old fashioned but the Sexy Hamilton costume is hot. Maybe it's just that I appreciate the theater (not true) more than the fine folks at Gizmodo.

Marvel Has Been Ignoring Fans Telling Them to Stop Being So Progressive Since Forever. Every once in a while Marvel does something that people read as being very political and a certain segment of readers get all bent out of shape. Sometimes it's something big and flashy like a gay wedding or a new POC Spider-Man, sometimes it's something I think is fairly innocuous like having a superhero battle a hate group (they look like trump supporters!). I always think its funny when I read these protests, like have these people never read an X-Men comic? Marvel has been political pretty much from the get go. The earliest Fantastic Four comics were blatantly anti-nuclear power and often very anti-war, two big political issues in the 60s.

I could understand how someone that's really conservative could bristle at the idea that most comic book creators lean heavily towards the left but I refuse to believe their supposed shock. You're surprised that people who gravitate towards the arts are liberal? Have you ever met any human beings?

Anyway, somehow last week I got slightly drug into this "SJW are ruining comics" debate by responding to a tweet from a relatively famous comic book artists. He claimed that Danny Rand (Iron Fist in the upcoming Netflix series) had to be white because being white was central to his character. I quickly (and I thought very politely) mentioned that I believe you could tell a similar Iron Fist story with a non white Danny Rand. I'll admit it wouldn't be the same but I think it wouldn't stray too far from the heart of the character AND it could still be compelling TV. Turns out there are a lot of comic book readers that are NOT ok with changing the race of a character for the big screen. From now on I'm ending all my hot twitter takes with "don't @ me".




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