This Is Exactly The Truck You’d Drive To Save Your Heroin Addict Friend If You Were Also A Heroin Addict And Had A Shit Ton Of Guns With You. Holy crap, look at these rednecks. Yesterday, this truck was stopped in the Holland tunnel by police because it had a cracked windshield and looked just a mite bit suspicious. Turns out there were “multiple loaded guns, knives and ballistic vests” inside and a crew of self styled vigilantes on a rescue mission to save a teenage girl from a drug den.
First off, thank goodness the cops stopped them. There's zero way this wouldn't have ended without some innocent bystander getting shot. Second, cops can pull you over for a cracked windshield? What is this Soviet Russia?
Indie Wrestlers Find Both Struggles And Triumphs On The Independent Scene. Great article on the increasingly popular independent wrestling scene in the states. I don't know much about these millenial hipsters but as long as they like PBR and Wrestling they can't be all that bad.
Turn A Watermelon Into A Keg With A Watermelon Tap. Oh man, I would get sooooo drunk off this thing. I mean, I guess you don't have to put booze in your watermelon keg but WHY WOULDN'T YOU!?!?
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