Emerald City Comicon is like second Christmas for me. Except that it's twice as expensive and this year it was hot as balls. I actually got sunburned on my walk from work to the light rail station on Thursday. Sunburned! In April. Someone get Al Gore on that.
The convention this year was a blast. A lot of dorks on Facebook were concerned that new ownership for ECCC would mean all sorts of drastic changes but I barely noticed any. Little things get tweeked and moved around every year, frankly the changes from 2013 to 2014 were bigger than they were this year. They added a 4th day this year, which was fine. It was only a half day and since it was on a Thursday it was way less crowded. Next year I might try and take advantage of that and get more signatures and sketchbooks while moving around is a bit easier.
Nathan Fillion's panel was the only one I went too over the weekend. It was pretty fantastic. He was really funny and charming. Most of his time was spent answering questions from the audience and the audience actually brought their A game. Nothing worse than when the audience tries to make the panel all about them and sort of ruins everything in the process. Hopefully next year I'll hit up a few more panels.
I didn't meet or get as many signatures from comic book pros as I have in previous years but I had WAY better interactions. I don't know if it was the pros or if it was me. Either way I had a blast. I also had a lot of fun with the friends I went with. I think drinks at lunch really helps the convention going experience. Even if comics aren't your thing I definitely think it's worth the ticket just to people watch. Heck it's worth it just to meet new people. I didn't make any new friends or anything while I was there but I did talk with a bunch of people and everyone was super cool.
I'm already looking forward to next year. It's the first week of March instead of April so it's only 11 months away! Below is a bunch of links to some picture galleries. If you've got a few minutes to kill they're worth checking out.
Pictures I took of Cosplayers. I made it a point to take more/better pictures this year. I got about a dozen good pictures. That's not terrible, right? Next year I'll either have a new phone or a fancy camera (both are on the 2016 Christmas list) so I'll try and get a few more.
A quick recap of my haul. I was doing really good sticking to my budget this year until I took the family on Sunday and we blew a bunch of cash on T-shirts. Man, the t-shirt racket at ECCC is strong. I didn't even get one for myself it was just shirts for the family and it was still 65 bucks.
Pat Loika's gallery of ECCC Images. Pat Loika is a guy I follow on twitter, he takes great photos of any convention he goes to. He has a lot of pictures of the pros in artist alley, which is cool. Most people just take pictures of the cosplayers.
2016 Emerald City Comicon Costumes from Seattle Refined. A lot of people were bummed when the star of Supergirl, Melissa Benoist, had to cancel at the last minute but this cosplayer was the spiting image of her.
Social Scene: Snapshots from Emerald City Comicon. Dude, this guy's Thanos costume was insane. Even the people working at the con were doing double takes when he walked by. Amazing work.
ECCC 2016: Cosplay Gallery by ComicVine. Learned something new this weekend. My son has a big ol crush on the rabbit from Zootopia. He got so shy and clingy when he saw her. It was hilarious.
Pixlr's 2016 ECCC Gallery. The Pixlr people had a pretty nice booth set up by the entrance where you could get pictures taken in your cosplay. It looked really legit and they have a ton of really good pictures here. If they're there next year maybe I'll throw my son in there.