12 of the Saddest Locations and Encounters in Skyrim. Ok, I'm seriously impressed. When I played Skyrim I didn't catch any of these. Sure I've been to some of the locations but I never looked around long enough to figure out the stories behind them. Kind of makes me wonder what else I might have missed or what I might have missed in Fallout 3? I'll bet there was tons of stuff I just blew right by. Oh well, I guess that's what internet lists are for.
The Battle of 2017 Could Be Disney v Comic-Con. This is an interesting story to geeks like me. Basically Disney has scheduled their big D23 convention to happen right around the same week as San Diego Comic-Con (the big Comic-Con). Last year Marvel studios barely sent anyone to SDCC, are they going to snub the biggest comic book convention two years in a row? Probably. If Disney is anything it's insular. Why make a big splash at someone else's convention when you can have your own? Is this some sort of trend? Has SDCC's bubble burt? Who knows?
I pay some attention to the convention scene, mostly just for the blog but it's not something I follow with a passion. I will say that there have been a lot of think pieces about just how big comic book/pop culture conventions have grown all across the country. I can't tell you if that growth is unsustainable or not, but I can say I would mind if ECCC tickets got a bit cheaper.
Shocking: Microsoft's AI Tweetbot Learns How To Be A Racist, Sexist Monster In Less Than 24 Hours. I feel like this is less of an indictment against Microsoft and more of an indictment against twitter and how awful the internet is in general.
The Nintendo NX Is Rumored To Be The Most Powerful Console On The Market. Well here's one for you. Everyone already knows the new Nintendo is right around the corner. Nintendo announced just the other day they were going to stop manufacturing the WiiU later this year and it's not like they're not going to make consoles anymore. In theory they might be in the Sega Genesis sweet spot. The Genesis came out almost a full two years before the SNES and was able to pick up a lot of steam with hardware far superior to the 8-bit NES. In theory the Xbone and PS4 have a lot of life left in them, with no direct replacements in sight. If Nintendo can hit the market later this year with a console that's more powerful (maybe even 4K?) can they match the success of the original Wii?
Man just when you thought the console wars were more or less over, here we go again.
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