This years relatively slow Holiday season has provided me with ample opportunities to explore the depths of Lifetime and the Hallmark Channel's Holiday programing. With "..the Blurst of Times" I'll tell you all about whichever horrible made for TV movie I watched the night before.
12 Dates of Christmas is totes a Christmas rip-off of Groundhog Day. There's no two ways about it. Amy Smart's character is knocked out by some secret Christmas magic and spends the rest of the movie repeating the day before Christmas. That is until she finds true love in Mark Paul Gosselaar. Sorry I spoiled the ending for you.. With that that being said, it's a really good Christmas rip-off of Groundhog Day.
Frankly, and I know this sounds stupid, Mark Paul Gosselaar is kind of a good actor, so is Amy Smart. Arguably, they're both better than a cheeseball made for TV movie by on the ABCFamily channel. I guess their career loss is our Christmas gain. Like I said, it's a Groundhog Day rip-off. The first half of the movie Amy Smart spends the day before Christmas repeatedly attempting to break up her old boyfriend with his current girlfriend. She also has to deal with the inconvenience of a blind date with Gosselaar. Somewhere along the line she figures out it's not her ex-boyfriend she really misses, she's just lonely. Enter the dreamboat formerly known as Zack Morris.
Compared to last year's Christmas movie review,
Help for the Holidays, 12 Dates of Christmas scores two thumbs way way up. I can certainly think of worse ways to spend the Holiday season, like hanging out with your family.. yuck.