Friday, October 24, 2014


What Is GamerGate? Here’s An Explainer For All The Confused Non-Nerds Out There. Uggg... Against my better judgement, here's a bunch of bullshit on GamerGate. If you haven't been following the GamerGate scandal consider yourself lucky. It's 99.9% trumped up bullshit and an excuse for bullied nerds to in turn do some bullying of their own. If you really need an example of how people on the internet can be awful for the stupidest of reasons just show them anything related to GamerGate...

The Future Of The Culture Wars Is Here, And It's Gamergate. Double uggg... If something as stupid as Video Game Journalism can devolve into the shitshow that Gamergate has turned into imagine if it was a more relevant topic like politics or religion. Are you for gun control? Well I hope you're ready for your address and phone number and credit history to be leaked to the interweb. You don't think 9/11 was an inside job? Hope your blog can handle a ddos attack. You don't want to hear about our lord and Savoir the flying spaghetti monster? Don't worry in 5 minutes we will have someone at your F'ING DOOR READY TO SPREAD THE WORD!

What Happened To Felicia Day Is Everything Awful About #GamerGate. Triple ugggg... I've been to the GamerGate subreddit, I hear it's where all the "real" GamerGate is happening. Not the trumped up sexist lies the lamestream media is reporting to make these real GamerGate warriors look bad. They have NOTHING. At most they have been able to point out that video game journalists are dependent on big video game companies for access to do their jobs and that can sku their reporting. Guess what dipshits, that's the problem with journalism everywhere. If a reporter for Road and Track dumps all over Ford guess who's not getting invited to the next Ford media event. ESPN pulled out of a report on head trauma in the NFL because they're in bed with the NFL and didn't want to jeopardize that relationship. Politics in DC have always been like this. If a reporter is too critical of the powers that be they can have their White House media pass pulled.

But no, lets ignore all of that. In the grand scheme of life the fact that IGN gave Call of Duty too high of a score is a big fucking deal and totally worth ruining peoples lives over. Get bent GamerGate.

140 up-close photos of ship and vehicle models constructed by ILM for the Original Star Wars Trilogy (1977-1983)

Why I Love Speed Wagons (And You Should, Too). Before I inherited my Passat Wagon I thought wagons were kinda cool but now that I've had one for a full year I can 100% say wagons are awesome. Don't get me wrong, my car still kinda sucks but that has everything to do with early 2000s German "engineering". The actual functionality of a wagon is second to none. I love it and I wish more auto manufacturers would make a traditional wagon. None of this crossover nonsense. Low and boxy is how I roll.

The Future of TV Is Great If You Hate Sports. I tweeted about this a few days ago but you probably don't follow me on twitter (@KevinNewburn) so I'll repeat: The idea of switching from your regular cable service to 10 different a'la cart streaming options doesn't sound very appealing to me. Not to mention that cord cutters are just fooling themselves when they still keep the cable company around for their internet provider. I'd much rather see Cable companies provide more varied options when it comes to subscriptions than have to subscribe to a dozen different aps. I have this feeling that net nerds keep thinking that there's some magical streaming TV option out there that's going to provide everything you want on demand for a ridiculously low monthly fee but there's not.

Kindergarten teacher quits to make six figures twerking for a living. This article sounded sexier than it ended up being.




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