Friday, August 29, 2014
The Worst Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, August 29, 2014 |
Filed Under:
jean claude van damme,
spongebob square pants

What I mean is that anyone can recognize talent, but what you do with it after you find it is the tricky thing. Most hardcore soccer fans will tell you that you have to go to Europe. Go ahead and read the story of Preston Zimmerman and then tell me you HAVE to go to Europe. It doesn't always work out for everyone.

If Geek Girls Acted Like Geek Guys
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, August 29, 2014 |
Filed Under:
funny videos,

As loathe as I am to post anything from Buzzfeed this video that's been making the rounds is pretty funny. I especially liked the cosplay jokes. She is right, If you dress up as sexy Khal Drago you're kind of asking for it.
This sort of dovetails off something I said last week. The amount of shit some ladies have to go through to enjoy something that's supposedly "for boys" is awful. I certainly have never understood it at comic book shops. Owning a comic book shop isn't exactly a license to print money, they should be bending over backwards for ANY customer that walks in the door.
This sort of dovetails off something I said last week. The amount of shit some ladies have to go through to enjoy something that's supposedly "for boys" is awful. I certainly have never understood it at comic book shops. Owning a comic book shop isn't exactly a license to print money, they should be bending over backwards for ANY customer that walks in the door.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
LFL, the F stands for Fighting
If you're like me last weekend you were glued to the LFL Eastern Conference play off between the Atlanta Steam and the.. oh who am I kidding? Nobody cares, here's a bunch of female athletes wearing underwear throwing down like they were on The Challenge. I'm guessing the ladies get a bonus for every hit they get on the field and on youtube.
...made the Lake Powell run in 12 parsecs
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 |
Filed Under:
EXTREME sports,
jet skiing

This GoPro video of a guy jet skiing through the canyons at Lake Powell looks an awful lot like something out of Star Wars. It also looks like a hell of a lot of fun. I've always wanted to take one of those vacations where you get a bunch of people together and rent a houseboat out on a lake in CA or AZ. Then you just spend all day BBQing and wakeboarding and drunkenly floating in the lake. I imagine at some point Duff Man shows up with and hoses down a bunch of old schoolmarms with beer and they turn into bikini girls that want to party.
I'm probably too old for that now aren't I?
I'm probably too old for that now aren't I?
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Who sexed up Spider-Woman and does it matter?
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 |
Filed Under:
nerd outrage,

What you're looking at is the preview of an alternate cover by renowned European (ie erotic) artist Milo Manara. Now let me preface everything I say here by saying I'm a slight fan of Manara's work. I have I think all of two or three comics he's drawn and I have a couple Milo Manara pictures in my "unsorted reference picture" folder on my computer at home. I'm what you'd call a lowercase fan. Anyway, the point here is that holy cow this cover is receiving a lot of negative attention, mostly on comic/geeky blogs but in a couple buzzfeed like places too.
Obviously the cover by Manara is provocative, I can't imagine that it wasn't supposed to be. When you hire someone with the pedigree of Milo Manara you know you're going to get a sexy cover but I don't think there would be as big of an uproar if this was just a sexy cover. The reader's eye is immediately drawn to her ass or more specifically to the super-wedgie she's sporting. It pushes this from what many would consider sexy to near obscene. It doesn't feel very powerful either, the way she's on all fours with her butt in the air it comes across as pretty submissive. More sex doll than superhero.
Just for fun, let's contrast that cover to the way she's been drawn in some of her most recent and memorable appearances:

I'm not 100% sure Marvel was targeting female readers with a Spider-Woman series. I have a feeling that Spider-Woman was aimed directly at the stereotypical fanboy, the one with Cheetos stained fingers and impure thoughts about She Hulk. Those guys still exist, and they have money too. As much as I love the current She Hulk or Ms Marvel books I'm sure there are plenty of readers that wish Ms. Marvel (now Captain Marvel) was still fighting crime in thigh-high boots and a swimsuit. Should Marvel completely ignore those guys?
That was an honest question, I don't have an answer. Does Marvel have anything to gain making books for the stereotypical fanboy? Does a near vulgar alternate cover (lets remember it's the alternate cover not the one you will see on comixology) alienate a large untapped group of readers? The cynic in me says that a Spider-Woman solo title was dead in the water anyway and probably won't last more than 12 issues. This might not be the kind of attention Marvel thought they were going to get but I doubt they're that upset about it. Attention is the exact reason you hire Milo Manara to draw alternate covers in the first place.
To sum up, I have very little opinion on the matter. I'll leave you with a picture of Spider-Man in a similar pose (spandex wedgie included) and the question. If this cover was the exact same, with Spider-Woman swapped in for Spider-Man, same pose and everything, would it look like the Spider was about to mount her?

Does that illustrate a difference in what you can get away with drawing male vs female superheroes? Is that sexism? These questions and more answered probably never...
Monday, August 25, 2014
Official Destiny Launch Trailer
So September 9th will see one of the biggest gambles in video games arrive to console and PC. I've seen reports that Bungie spent about $500 Million developing and marketing Destiny. That is a crazy amount of cheddar for a game not named Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto. If it succeeds maybe the video game industry will get over it's sequelitis. I for one would love to see less reboots and sequels and more original games.
Unless we're talking Wing Commander. Oh man, what I wouldn't give for a Wing Commander reboot.
Unless we're talking Wing Commander. Oh man, what I wouldn't give for a Wing Commander reboot.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Pstew's Ice Bucket Challenge
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, August 22, 2014 |
Filed Under:
ice bucket challenge,
patrick stewart

So I think Patrick Stewart just won the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Blu Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, August 22, 2014 |
Filed Under:
advertising wizards,
george lucas,
nicki minaj,
star wars,
washington state

Rumor has it that this is just a big old Rumor because Disney would need to strike an agreement with Fox to release the original movies but there's no way this doesn't happen. I think it's safe to say you can pencil it in for a release date the Christmas before Episode VII hits theaters.

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Slip and Slide Pool Party this Weekend
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, August 21, 2014 |
Filed Under:
EXTREME sports,

If you have the guts (and live in Ohio) the Slip N Fly is open to the public this weekend. Although I hear on reddit that the tickets are already sold out, so maybe you should check out stubhub.
I guess you can rent this thing for private parties for the low low price of $4,000. I'm pretty sure that's comparable to a day at Disneyland. Who has frequent flier miles they want to cash in? I hear Ohio is beautiful.
I guess you can rent this thing for private parties for the low low price of $4,000. I'm pretty sure that's comparable to a day at Disneyland. Who has frequent flier miles they want to cash in? I hear Ohio is beautiful.
From Wonder Woman to Mockingbird
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, August 21, 2014 |
Filed Under:
agents of shield,
gratuitous use of babes,
tv shows

Who is Bobbi Morse? Lets' let her ex-husband Hawkeye explain:

Yes, that Hawkeye is her ex-husband. She's not a major character in the Avengers-verse, having only served briefly on the West Coast and Great Lakes teams but she's a fan favorite. I doubt Marvel/Disney/ABC will actually link the two characters. There was a bit of nerdy hand-wringing when Captain America 2's plot dovetailed off events that were happening in Agents of Shield. If I had to guess I'll bet Marvel is very careful to let the movie-verse bleed into the TV show while keeping the show out of the movie-verse. With the way all the tumblers ship Hawkeye and Black Widow they probably won't write any connection to Hawkeye in the TV character. For all we know they've simply cast Bobbi Morse and we'll never see Palicki dressed up as Mockingbird, which would be a shame...

The Doubleclicks: Nothing to Prove
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, August 21, 2014 |
Filed Under:
the doubleclicks

This video by the Doubleclicks is pretty great. As the newish father of a baby girl I've become much more acute to the amount of institutionalized sexism there is in almost every aspect of raising a kid. For instance my son has a boat load of Justice League branded clothes and books. None of them have Wonder Woman in them, because he's a boy and I suppose if his shoes had a girl on them they would be girls shoes? Meanwhile have fun finding anything Justice League related for a little girl that isn't all Wonder Woman and Batgirl.... also hope you like pink!
Those are just small superficial things, I would rather deal with a mountain of pink onesies than the first asshole that tells my little girl she can't do or like something mundane simply because she's a girl (with my luck that a-hole will be my son).
Anyway, back to the video. This thing already has a million hits. That's pretty good for a Portland nerdcore folk band that I've only heard of because I've fallen far too deep down the Pacific Northwest nerdcore rabbit hole. Good on ya ladies, make your voices heard, or read in this particular case.
Those are just small superficial things, I would rather deal with a mountain of pink onesies than the first asshole that tells my little girl she can't do or like something mundane simply because she's a girl (with my luck that a-hole will be my son).
Anyway, back to the video. This thing already has a million hits. That's pretty good for a Portland nerdcore folk band that I've only heard of because I've fallen far too deep down the Pacific Northwest nerdcore rabbit hole. Good on ya ladies, make your voices heard, or read in this particular case.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Shake off that Anaconda
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 |
Filed Under:
awesome dances,
bad music,
horrible dances,
nicki minaj,
taylor swift

Yesterday morning Taylor Swift released her new video Shake It Off. Then a few hours later Nicki Minaj released her new video Anaconda. Please enjoy both.
Holy shit (pardon me this post is going to be full of swears). Within 12 hours of each other two monsters of pop music release videos that go "viral". In one Taylor Swift is singing about dancing your troubles away and in the other Nicki Minaj is literally rapping that she's fucking a guy because he has a big dick and sells cocaine. And she's the one of the two that has been a judge on American Idol, the most whitebread of whitebread shows.
Both videos feature everyone's favorite dance fad, twerking. But hot damn, there's twerking and then there's TWERKING. It's like if Taylor Swift had done the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Nicki Minaj would have I don't know... shot a cop and then had sex with Drake in a bathtub of ice. It's for charity!
I don't know. I'm sure someone smarter and cleverer than I am can come up with better jokes and more insightful social commentary. Of course if you're looking for that sort of thing, stay the hell away from the comments on youtube. For me the most offensive part is the awful Baby Got Back samples. First off could she have picked a more obvious song. Secondly, whoever produced that beat should be shot into the moon. You clear Baby Got Back and that's what you do with it? For shame.
Holy shit (pardon me this post is going to be full of swears). Within 12 hours of each other two monsters of pop music release videos that go "viral". In one Taylor Swift is singing about dancing your troubles away and in the other Nicki Minaj is literally rapping that she's fucking a guy because he has a big dick and sells cocaine. And she's the one of the two that has been a judge on American Idol, the most whitebread of whitebread shows.
Both videos feature everyone's favorite dance fad, twerking. But hot damn, there's twerking and then there's TWERKING. It's like if Taylor Swift had done the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Nicki Minaj would have I don't know... shot a cop and then had sex with Drake in a bathtub of ice. It's for charity!
I don't know. I'm sure someone smarter and cleverer than I am can come up with better jokes and more insightful social commentary. Of course if you're looking for that sort of thing, stay the hell away from the comments on youtube. For me the most offensive part is the awful Baby Got Back samples. First off could she have picked a more obvious song. Secondly, whoever produced that beat should be shot into the moon. You clear Baby Got Back and that's what you do with it? For shame.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Ice Bucket Challenged
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, August 19, 2014 |
Filed Under:
ice bucket challenge

Here's a supercut of people failing hilariously at the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. There's 3 big types of fail that you see repeated throughout the video and they're all hilarious.
First, the people that can't lift a bucket of ice and or water without falling down or dropping it. Do you even lift bro?
Second are the people that break their bucket in some sort of hilarious fashion. Like maybe that styrofoam cooler isn't made to hold 20 pounds of ice.
Last but definitely not least are the fine folks that end up getting beaned in the head with the bucket. Or in one sorry sap's case the 50 gal garbage can. I imagine that he really thought his garbage can of cold water was going to out swag everyone.
Hopefully the next charity trend is equally hilarious. Save our girls wasn't funny at all.
First, the people that can't lift a bucket of ice and or water without falling down or dropping it. Do you even lift bro?
Second are the people that break their bucket in some sort of hilarious fashion. Like maybe that styrofoam cooler isn't made to hold 20 pounds of ice.
Last but definitely not least are the fine folks that end up getting beaned in the head with the bucket. Or in one sorry sap's case the 50 gal garbage can. I imagine that he really thought his garbage can of cold water was going to out swag everyone.
Hopefully the next charity trend is equally hilarious. Save our girls wasn't funny at all.
First Image of Paul Rudd as Ant-Man

I know Marvel has had an unusually difficult time getting their ducks in a row when it comes to Ant-Man but I'm still excited about this one. Paul Rudd staring in a big Marvel movie? Hells, yeah.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Screech Fight!
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, August 18, 2014 |
Filed Under:
made for tv movies,
saved by the bell

Here's a trailer for the Lifetime network's sure to be awful TV movie The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell. Have you watched an episode of Saved by the Bell lately? Sweet Christmas it's worse than I remember. Every character is a total shitheel and the "jokes" feel like they were written by The Simpson's DJ 3000. Just a terrible, terrible show.
Last Friday's Links Late
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, August 18, 2014 |
Filed Under:
fast food,
guardians of the galaxy,
the apocalypse

It funny because I eat at McDonalds way too much and for years have dreamed about winning the Monopoly contest. I'm even one of those sad saps that will supersize my order or get nuggets just to get extra pieces. It's the only time I play something close to the lottery. I feel like Mouth felt in the Goonies when he started taking back his wishes: "Yeah, but you know what? This one, this one right here. This was my dream, my wish. And it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back."

Friday, August 15, 2014
Dancing Groot
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, August 15, 2014 |
Filed Under:
awesome dances,
guardians of the galaxy

Ok, so I guess this is a big ol' spoiler for anyone that hasn't seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet but who cares at this point. If you were really worried about spoilers you probably would have seen the movie already. Plus this is barely a spoiler. It's just baby Groot dancing to the Jackson 5 and of course it's awesome.
I mentioned it before but man did I like Guardians of the Galaxy. More than I liked Captain American 2 and probably more than I liked the Avengers, maybe as much as I liked the first Iron Man movie. It's good. Growing up reading comics I was never that big into the cosmic side of either the Marvel or the DC universe but I'm starting to gain more of an appreciation for those stories. Next round of quarter bin shopping I'm going to look for some old Silver Surfers or maybe even some of the old GOTG from the 90s. That's assuming I have any quarters left. My son keeps stealing all my change because he's saving up for an iPad.
I mentioned it before but man did I like Guardians of the Galaxy. More than I liked Captain American 2 and probably more than I liked the Avengers, maybe as much as I liked the first Iron Man movie. It's good. Growing up reading comics I was never that big into the cosmic side of either the Marvel or the DC universe but I'm starting to gain more of an appreciation for those stories. Next round of quarter bin shopping I'm going to look for some old Silver Surfers or maybe even some of the old GOTG from the 90s. That's assuming I have any quarters left. My son keeps stealing all my change because he's saving up for an iPad.
This Penguin is Afraid to Jump
Look at him... he's so cute. Come on little guy, you can do it. You can do it!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Playdough & DJ Sean P, Real Like It
Sorry, posts have been slow and few as I'm trying to get caught up post vacation at work and at home. Here's a dope new track by Playdough as an apology. Go buy his new album Gold Tips. It's really good.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Lets watch these guys make a Lightsaber Katana
I'm unfamiliar with the Man at Arms: Reforged webseries/weapons making group but this lightsaber handled katana build caught my google eyes. Not only is it shamelessly pandery to geeks like me but the entire sword making process is pretty interesting stuff. Makes me wish I knew how to do things with my hands. Some days being a wordsmith just isn't.. um, fulfilling? I don't know, lets' go with fulfilling.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
The Goonies House: The Review
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 |
Filed Under:
the goonies,

For those of you unfamiliar, "The Goonies House" is the house that Mikey and Brand lived in, the one they were trying to keep from getting turned into a golf course. It's a real house, owned by a regular person and it's roughly half a mile off the main drag in downtown Astoria. We showed up Thursday afternoon around 3pm after having caught a matinee of Guardians of the Galaxy (two thumbs WAY up). The house is at the top of a gravel driveway and out of respect to the neighborhood, the owners ask that you park a couple blocks away at a nearby school. It was sort of amazing to not only see how many people couldn't read the clearly marked signs regarding the parking but just how many people were there to see the house on a random Thursday afternoon in August.
I don't know what more to tell you. It's just a house. I'm not sure what I was expecting, the truffle shuffle? Sloth? Mouth? Data? I don't know. On a scale of 1-10 I give the Goonies house three quarters of a Baby Ruth.
Oh yeah after leaving the house we also drove by the school they filmed Kindergarten Cop at. I took a picture of it while sitting at a stop sign. No one yelled "it's not a tumor". Two thumbs down.

Fantasy Football Fantasy - A Manning Brothers Music Video
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 |
Filed Under:
advertising wizards,
peyton manning

If you told me yesterday that my new favorite song would be a rap about a new Direct TV channel sung by Peyton and Eli Manning I would have told you to gtfo.. but here we are.
Fantasy, Fantasy, Football Fantasy.. Football Fantasy
Fantasy, Fantasy, Football Fantasy.. Football Fantasy
Friday, August 8, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Plywood Olympics > Regular Olympics
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, August 07, 2014 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas,
the olympics

So this is what we're doing this weekend, right? I have all kinds of scrap wood laying around and a costco sized bottle of ibuprofen I haven't opened yet. What's the worst that could happen?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Video Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 |
Filed Under:
dawn of the dead,
the future,
video games,

How to Survive a Sharknado and Other Unnatural Disasters, is a real Book. I swear.

In the apocalyptic world we live in, Mother Nature is angry. Danger waits at every turn, and catastrophes like the Los Angeles sharknados have taught us that we need to be ready for anything. Too many lives have already been lost. But fear not. How to Survive a Sharknado and Other Unnatural Disasters is the first and only comprehensive guide to surviving the very worst that Mother Nature can throw our way.
via GeeksAreSexy

Monday, August 4, 2014
Behold, Twerk Bot
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, August 04, 2014 |
Filed Under:
horrible dances,
the apocalypse,

Hey Kids, remember Basement Jaxx? I think they had a hit in like 2001. Get Your Head Up, does that sound right? Doesn't matter I guess, here's their newest video in which scientists create a functional Twerk Bot. What's next a robot that can Merengue? Lambada? Cabbage Patch? Man, this is just one more step towards the robot apocalypse. At least it's a sexy step.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Transformers Attack on Giant
For whatever reason I watched about 30 minutes of Transformers: Dark of the Moon this weekend. Sweet Fancy Moses, what a terrible movie. There's about 15 minutes of cool alternate history moon landing stuff and then blammo, just ridiculous characters acting like a-holes and a bunch of shiny CGI smashing into itself. They say that comedy is an extraordinary person in an ordinary situation and drama is an ordinary person in an extraordinary circumstance, why are all Michael Bay movies extraordinary people in extraordinary circumstances? I mean in a movie about giant transforming alien robots the most unbelievable thing about it was the motivations and actions of Sam Witwicky.
Oh yeah, here's a cool stop motion short someone made of Optimus Prime fighting the Constructacons. It includes "The Touch" so it's automatically a thousand times better than anything Michael Bay has directed.
Oh yeah, here's a cool stop motion short someone made of Optimus Prime fighting the Constructacons. It includes "The Touch" so it's automatically a thousand times better than anything Michael Bay has directed.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Campy Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, August 01, 2014 |
Filed Under:
star wars,
women's sports

If you have any interest in comics be sure to check it out. The insights from the creators are really fantastic. I feel like all the neckbeards wringing their hands over Lady Thor and Captain Falcon should be forced to read it. Then read it again. Then shave their neckbeards.

The Pen is dead... ninja please. I can see like 5 pens just from my desk. Clearly it's just the opposite, pens are taking over the world. WHY WONT SOMEONE STOP ALL THESE PENS!
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