Well now this is just getting stupid. Here's a 15 second teaser for the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer set to premiere during the Super Bowl. I swear if the next thing I post is half a still shot from the Avengers 2 teaser set to premiere during the Super Bowl, I'm shutting this blog down.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Captain America: The Winter Soldier: The Super Bowl teaser
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, January 31, 2014 |
Filed Under:
captain america,

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Super Bowl trailer part 1
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, January 31, 2014 |
Filed Under:

So I guess we're releasing trailers in two parts now? Be glad Peter Jackson didn't direct this it the trailer would be split into 7 chapters each one released at Christmas. Also Spider-Man would be a sexy elf.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Clickbait Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, January 30, 2014 |
Filed Under:
gratuitous use of babes,
saved by the bell,
star wars,

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It does sound like cheerleaders are really getting the short end of the spirit stick but whose fault is it? If one quits there's a hundred more girls just looking to take their place. Maybe stories like this will put a bit more pressure on football teams to treat their cheer squads a bit better. also, GO HAWKS!

Tiffany Amber-Theissen turned 40 last week and she still looks pretty fantastic. In related news how is it that Tiffany Amber-Theissen is only 2.5 years older than I am? I remember watching Saved by the Bell Saturday mornings and they all seemed WAY older than I was. Next thing you'll tell me is that Luke Perry is still in his 40s. (checks Wikipedia) damn it.
Now that's how you sell a thermostat
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, January 30, 2014 |
Filed Under:
advertising wizards,
gratuitous use of babes,

This commercial for Schneider Electric's programable wi-fi thermostat is pretty good. They kinda lost me after the hot tutor wasn't on screen but whatever. I totally get the point of the advertisement. Schneider Electric's thermostat is the best thermostat for getting girls to take off their clothes. That was the point, right?
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Taser Football, again?
I'm almost positive I've posted this clip on Taser football before but the video appears to be disabled so I'm not 100% sure.
You know what, I take that back. I'm am 100% sure. I guess I can sleep well tonight knowing that I was a good two years ahead of WithLeather and Reddit on this one.
You know what, I take that back. I'm am 100% sure. I guess I can sleep well tonight knowing that I was a good two years ahead of WithLeather and Reddit on this one.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Dungeons and Privilege
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 |
Filed Under:
dungeons and dragons

Too much Puff not enough Power with these girls
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 |
Filed Under:
powerpuff girls,

What followed was a bit of back and forth between the offended and the unoffended with a lot of other nerds throwing in their 2 cents. Speaking of nerds throwing in their 2 cents...
I'm not offended at all by the cover (I've drawn far far worse) but I understand how some would think it inappropriate for a comic about children geared towards them. The publisher and in this case more importantly the editor, need to recognize the books target demo and make sure that everything is kosher. I feel bad for the artist because she drew what she was paid to draw, in the style she normally draws in. Like I said, I think her editor really dropped the ball by accepting the cover in the first place. You look at the cover for 2 seconds and your eye is drawn to the near upskirt shot of the pink ranger (they're like power rangers right?).
Here's how to fix this problem before it even started. Change the horizon line on the page by about an inch. There's almost no way you can draw a girl sitting in a skirt that short from below without it turning into an upskirt shot. I know, I've drawn a girl sitting in a skirt that short before.

See how less pervy it is (minus the huge boobs) when you can't see the bottom curve of the leg? It's at least 90% less pervy. I'd almost argue that I drew Supergirl's skirt shorter than the Powerpuff girl's skirt but because you're looking at it from a slightly higher angle it looks more conservative.
Long story short, IDW should totes hire me to draw some Powerpuff girls covers. My rates are dirt cheap.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Mystery Solved
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, January 27, 2014 |
Filed Under:
computer games,
half life,
video games

Friday, January 24, 2014
Impressive Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, January 24, 2014 |
Filed Under:
hip hop,
schaffer the darklord,
star trek,
the simpsons

Oh yeah, you should totes buy Sick Passenger. Top to bottom It's easily the best album in my mp3 player rotation right now.

What I don't like about using Bing is that recently they are throwing out a ton of in page notices to try and get you to make IE your default browser. Knock that garbage off, Microsoft. I'm already one of the 5% that uses your search engine, don't drive me away just because your browser sucks and no one wants to use it.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Gaming with Friends
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, January 23, 2014 |
Filed Under:
getting old,
video games

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Every NES Title Screen.. ever
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 |
Filed Under:
video games

In Alphabetical order no less!
This video is almost 3 hours of NES title screens. 3 hours. I can barely make it through Return of the King, how on earth am I supposed to make it through 3 hours of title screens? Good on you whatever crazy youtuber put this thing together. You're truly doing Gods work.
This video is almost 3 hours of NES title screens. 3 hours. I can barely make it through Return of the King, how on earth am I supposed to make it through 3 hours of title screens? Good on you whatever crazy youtuber put this thing together. You're truly doing Gods work.
Mega Sized Hump Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 |
Filed Under:
gratuitous use of babes,

The movie looks great, and I'm super pumped to take him to it. My only complaint is that the lego sets associated with the movie don't look that great to me. No where near as good as the Lone Ranger sets from last summer look. I guess we'll just have to stick with Lego Star Wars and Ninjago for now. First world problems...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Lets talk about the RoboCop remake
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 |
Filed Under:
bad ideas?,
the 80s

You would be hard pressed to find two movies that captured the zeitgeist of the 1980s like RoboCop and Total Recall did. Why wouldn't some coked up movie execs think it was a good idea to remake them 30 years later? Of course we all know how Total Recall did last year. The word suckbomb gets thrown around a lot these days...
So that leads us to the RoboCop remake. At first glance RoboCop seems like a movie about a cyborg shooting bad guys in the face. Don't get me wrong, it totes is a movie about a cyborg shooting bad guys in the face, but it's also sooo much more. There's the obvious themes of humanity and post modern futurism. There's also some great commentary on consumerism, materialism and the embrace of excess so commonly found in the '80s. And Under all of that there's this subversive sort of commentary on the good old fashioned ultra violence and how quickly the viewer is ready to embrace it in the name of kicking bad guy ass.
It's kind of a perfect action movie. One that makes you think but not so hard that you forget you really want to see Dick Jones get pushed out a window.
There's pretty much zero chance of the RoboCop remake being more than a mindelss shoot-em-up. From what I saw last summer there were two movies that tried to be more than they were. The Lone Ranger attempted to be a commentary on Hollywood's obsession with origin movies by being sort of an Anti-origin movie and it tanked. Iron Man 3 was pretty much a love letter written to the buddy cop action films of the '80s and early '90s. It did pretty well for itself but it was written and directed by the guy that wrote a lot of those great buddy cop movies. At best we can hope for a RoboCop that is sort of an homage to the quasi-futuristic action films of the past but I'm afraid what we're more than likely to get is a paint by number remake that lacks anything beneath the surface.
At least with the Total Recall remake we got Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel.
So that leads us to the RoboCop remake. At first glance RoboCop seems like a movie about a cyborg shooting bad guys in the face. Don't get me wrong, it totes is a movie about a cyborg shooting bad guys in the face, but it's also sooo much more. There's the obvious themes of humanity and post modern futurism. There's also some great commentary on consumerism, materialism and the embrace of excess so commonly found in the '80s. And Under all of that there's this subversive sort of commentary on the good old fashioned ultra violence and how quickly the viewer is ready to embrace it in the name of kicking bad guy ass.
It's kind of a perfect action movie. One that makes you think but not so hard that you forget you really want to see Dick Jones get pushed out a window.
There's pretty much zero chance of the RoboCop remake being more than a mindelss shoot-em-up. From what I saw last summer there were two movies that tried to be more than they were. The Lone Ranger attempted to be a commentary on Hollywood's obsession with origin movies by being sort of an Anti-origin movie and it tanked. Iron Man 3 was pretty much a love letter written to the buddy cop action films of the '80s and early '90s. It did pretty well for itself but it was written and directed by the guy that wrote a lot of those great buddy cop movies. At best we can hope for a RoboCop that is sort of an homage to the quasi-futuristic action films of the past but I'm afraid what we're more than likely to get is a paint by number remake that lacks anything beneath the surface.
At least with the Total Recall remake we got Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel.
Snow: Trick Montage
In the list of video game genres that seem to be on their way out, extreme sports has to be near the top of the list.. somewhere below fake guitar games but above 2-d fighters. This new game simply titled Snow, looks to buck the trend by stripping away all the craziness of SSX and gimicks of Tony Hawk and concentrating on recreating the real life skiing experience. I don't know, it looks pretty cool. I'm just not sure if the gameplay looks good enough to keep my attention for more than 10 minutes.
The release date is later this year but if you're lucky you can try to sign up for the trial on Steam right now.
The release date is later this year but if you're lucky you can try to sign up for the trial on Steam right now.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Captain Stone: Paramount Stage 9 Interloper
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, January 20, 2014 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
star trek

Back in 1988 a couple fans broke into the Star Trek the Next Generation set with a video camera and made their own behind the scenes documentary. Although to be fair to set security, one of the fans had worked on the show briefly as special effects tech. So I'm guessing they had some sort of credentials that helped them get onto the lot. It's not like they jumped a fence and chloroformed a guard or anything.
I don't know, it's 30 minutes long. If you have that kind of time to watch a couple nerds geek out at being able to turn on the lights for the warp drive display knock yourselves out. Me, I'll be on the Seahawks subreddit. GO HAWKS!
I don't know, it's 30 minutes long. If you have that kind of time to watch a couple nerds geek out at being able to turn on the lights for the warp drive display knock yourselves out. Me, I'll be on the Seahawks subreddit. GO HAWKS!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Links! Links! Links!
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 |
Filed Under:
gratuitous use of babes,
sports illustrated,
star wars,
world war II

Story Time; My high school had a subscription to SI for the library (along with a bunch of other magazines) this was pre-internet times so people still read magazines. I remember one year when the swimsuit issue came out one of the librarians took a sharpie and drew full swimsuits over all the models so you couldn't see an centimeter of skin. They even put a caption on it that said something to the effect of "sorry boys!". It was the craziest thing I had ever seen. It's like they were trolling all the horny 15 year olds brave enough to look at the swimsuit issue in public. Why not just throw away the issue?

Kirby Krackle: Set your Phasers to Sexy
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 |
Filed Under:
jet skiing,
kirby krackle,
star trek

Here's the official video to Kirby Krackle's megahit Set Your Phasers to Sexy.... Now that I think about it, this might be less of an official video and more of an opportunity for Kyle (lead singer of said Kirby Krackle) to stick it to everyone that didn't get to go to Hawaii while the lower 48 froze to death. Whatever, it's still my favorite song off the new album.
Knights of Badassdom: The Trailer
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 |
Filed Under:
knights of badassdom,

Hey kids, ever heard of the Peter Dinklage movie Knights of Badassdom? It was made WAY back in 2010 (some of it was shot in Spokane Washington!) and has been languishing without a release date for the last few years. Everything I've read about it looks great, but I haven't seen any footage until now. Still looks great. Hopefully I'll be able to see it in a theater sometime before my 50th birthday.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Lets talk about the WWE Network

Now I don't know when the last time you ordered a wrestling or even a UFC pay per view but they start at $50 and can run $70 easy. If you're a wrestling fan who orders just one PPV a year, you're a sucker not to sign up for the WWE Network. For the price of Wrestlemania alone you get 6 months of programming along with 5 other PPV events.
Ok, enough of the wrestling geekery. Here's what has net-nerds excited. The thought that other networks will follow suit. The holy grail of a la carte networks of course being HBO.. or ESPN I guess, if you're into Sportsball. Kids these days don't want to sit down in front of their TV and watch what's on. They're greedy little snots that want to watch what they want when they want and they only want to pay for what they watch. Which I guess is reasonable. The problem is that most channels (like ESPN) aren't built like the WWE.
The WWE owns everything it produces. Sure USA and SyFy and ION put their programing on the air but they don't actually own the shows. In contrast save for old episodes of PTI, ESPN owns nothing. In fact a lot of networks are in the same boat. There are a handful of shows they actually own and then everything else is owned by the production companies that produce the shows. For example If NBC tried the same thing using content they owned 100% they would have rerun after rerun of The Single Guy and ZERO episodes of Seinfeld.
Long story short, I'm not sure how much the WWE network really heralds a new era of a la carte programing as much as it heralds in a new era for the WWE. Quite honestly I'm not looking forward to a future where I have to pay a dozen different subscriptions for the same content you can get with cable for one price but I guess that makes me an old fuddy duddy.
Monday, January 13, 2014
The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, January 13, 2014 |
Filed Under:
indiana jones,
raiders of the lost ark

If you have an hour to kill I can think of a lot worse ways to kill it than watching this 1981 PBS documentary on the Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark. At least that's what I've been told. I mean I don't have an hour to kill. Last night the youngest kid fell asleep around midnight and the oldest kid woke up at 5am. I can think of a lot of things I'd like to kill this morning but an hour isn't one of them.
BTW, There should be a whole youtube channel dedicated to broadcasting old TV shows and movies with the old commercials included. A couple years ago I popped in a VHS tape of Star Trek II that I taped about 30 years ago. It was like opening up a time capsule.
BBTW, That copy of Star Trek II I have is the fabled ABC version that had a couple extra scenes that weren't in the theatrical release. I wonder what I could get for it on Ebay?
BTW, There should be a whole youtube channel dedicated to broadcasting old TV shows and movies with the old commercials included. A couple years ago I popped in a VHS tape of Star Trek II that I taped about 30 years ago. It was like opening up a time capsule.
BBTW, That copy of Star Trek II I have is the fabled ABC version that had a couple extra scenes that weren't in the theatrical release. I wonder what I could get for it on Ebay?
Winter Game of Thrones Season 4 is coming
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, January 13, 2014 |
Filed Under:
awesome tv shows,
game of thrones,

The fine folks at HBO released a trailer for the 4th season of Game of Thrones last night. I've gotta hand it to them. They sure know how to put together a trailer. Right after watching it I loaded up A Feast for Crows on the kindle. I had to put it down almost right away because my kids are constantly screaming and crying about something, but still.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
The Group Therapy Tour: The Review
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, January 10, 2014 |
Filed Under:
adam warrock,
death star,
hip hop,
schaffer the darklord,
tribe one

editors note: the following is in no ways a review or analysis of the content of any of the performers songs. All of these guys are quote unquote nerdcore rappers and what they do best is take pop culture references (specifically geeky ones) and layer them over stories of fear, acceptance, love, regret, etc. Essentially sometimes a song about Magneto is more than just a song about Magneto. Either you love this kind of music or you don't.
The Show was at the Lo-Fi in kinda-downtown Seattle. It's a big club? small club? I don't know. Like I said, zero frame of reference. There were at least 100 people there, probably more, and while it was pretty packed in front of the stage I didn't have to wait in line for a beer or to go to the bathroom. For someone who literally had to take anxiety medication to go out it was a pretty ideal crowd to space ratio. It probably helped that we sat up in this balcony area overlooking the stage that was mostly empty all night. I'm pretty sure most people either didn't know about it or thought it was off limits.
Beefy opened the show. He sounded great, I'm guessing he hasn't performed in a while as he forgot some lines a couple of times. Whatever, he played like 3 of my favorite songs so I didn't care. Tribe One went on next, he killed it. He did the two songs I really wanted to hear (Devil Rhymeosaur and I'm kind of a big Deal) so I was thrilled. After a short break Death*Star played. I had never even heard of Death*Star but they were pretty entertaining. They were a bit looser than everyone else but they had great energy and a live DJ so they get bonus points from me. In a way they were sort of a perfect middle act.
After another short break Adam WarRock went on. Not to say anything negative about the guys that went on before him because I thought everyone sounded great, but man... it's hard to describe but the energy and skill he showed, he was just on another level. It was a really great set. My only nitpick is that I wish he had played more songs off his new album. I guess it's tough coming up with a set list that will please everyone when you recorded over 100 songs in a year.
Schaffer the Darklord closed the show. Earlier in the night Adam WarRock had mentioned that Schaffer is every nerdcore rappers favorite live act. I know why. Killed it doesn't even begin to describe how good he was. I've had to re-write these couple sentences about a dozen times trying to describe it. Some performers suck live, like you watch them on SNL and you're like "jeez this stinks". STD's songs didn't just sound like the albums they sounded better. The extra emotion and energy he brought to each song while still being able to actually rap everything coherently was ridiculous. Half way through his last song I just threw up my hands and had to look away. The way he was delivering every line was just filthy. It was really amazing.
TL/DR The opening night of the Group Therapy Tour was rad and if you live on the West Coast you should check it out.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
EXTREME barbie jeep racing
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Thursday, January 09, 2014 |
Filed Under:
barbie dolls,
EXTREME sports

Extreme Barbie Jeep Racing sounds like something you would come up with late Saturday night while getting drunk watching Sabado Gigante.... and it's about as glorious as your drunk Sabado Gigante watching ass could imagine.
I appreciate that they went to a spot with a little bit of snow. It really adds some legitimacy to the event. Also I assume like 4 of these guys died doing this, so I appreciate the sacrifice they made to entertain us for like three minutes.
I appreciate that they went to a spot with a little bit of snow. It really adds some legitimacy to the event. Also I assume like 4 of these guys died doing this, so I appreciate the sacrifice they made to entertain us for like three minutes.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
100 Action Movie One Liners
Here's a video I'm pretty sure I meant to post before Christmas. It's a supercut of the 100 "greatest" movie one liners. I don't think I made it more than 2 minutes before I got bored. See if you can beat my time. Challenge your friends!
The Visual Effects for Pacific Rim
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 |
Filed Under:
pacific rim,

Here's a short video clip showing off some of the visual effects process that went into Pacific Rim. It's kind of cool to see how all the computer effects are layered on top of each other to create the finished product.
Pacific Rim was on my list of movies I wanted for Christmas but I didn't get it. No big deal, I got a couple Amazon gift cards so I can get it whenever I'd like. I'm thinking about buying a digital copy as opposed to the DVD. I don't have a blu ray player and if I buy it through Amazon video I can get the HD download for as much as the DVD costs. This is the way of the future anyway, right? I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that I've been able to completely skip the blu ray format.
Pacific Rim was on my list of movies I wanted for Christmas but I didn't get it. No big deal, I got a couple Amazon gift cards so I can get it whenever I'd like. I'm thinking about buying a digital copy as opposed to the DVD. I don't have a blu ray player and if I buy it through Amazon video I can get the HD download for as much as the DVD costs. This is the way of the future anyway, right? I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that I've been able to completely skip the blu ray format.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Steam Machines are pretty
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 |
Filed Under:
computer games,
steam machine,
video games

Normally I'm not the kind of blogger who just grabs another blog's content and repurposes it as my own. I'm the kind of blogger who just finds a youtube clip or a cartoon and will say a couple funny lines about it. With that in mind here's a bunch of stuff I took from Destructiod's coverage of CES. I mean I didn't just take everything so you should take the time to check out Destructiod's gallery of Steam Machines. They also have really basic spec and price info on all the units plus a few more I didn't include.
A couple interesting things we've learned. The machines shown will retail for $499 to a staggering $6,000. The cheapest look to be your average Intel i5s with 8 gigs of Ram. The fanciest get real fancy real quick. i7 processors, 16 gigs of RAM, dual video cards, solid state hard drives, pretty much the works.
So here's where we're at. If you buy a Steam Machine you're essentially buying a Valve branded gaming computer. There's really no getting around that. Some of these cases are pretty slick but you can tell most of the guts are straight off the shelf, although it is the Newegg shelf not the Best Buy shelf, so they've got that going for them.
This is interesting development in that it's really sort of a non-development. A lot of people have claimed that the Steam Machine will bring PC gaming to the masses. If it does it's doesn't look like it's going to do it with any tricks or gimmicks. These are pretty straight forward gaming PCs. And some of them even seem to be a good value. I'd be hard pressed putting together as nice of a computer as the Zotac or the CyberPower at their prices ($599 and $499) especially is such a dapper case (personally I love the fact that the Zotac looks like an old wireless router).
I still feel like it's going to be the software side of things that makes or breaks these. If Valve has found a way to make Linux easy to use and develop for, I have a feeling these will get real attractive to gamers really quick.

Wordburglar: Rap Viper
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 |
Filed Under:
gi joe,
hip hop,

Last year Wordburglar, my favorite rapper from Halifax, dropped a sick album titled Welcome to Cobra Island. Sadly I haven't had a lot of time to listen to it yet. I'm driving a new/old car that doesn't have a USB hook up so I have to burn CDs like a caveman to listen to anything and It's been hard to find that time or motivation to do that. I hear the album at work every once in a while when it comes on at random but I try to keep the sweet beats turned down so my office doesn't get to hyphy.
What I'm trying to get at is that you should watch this video. I promise you it's better than GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra.
What I'm trying to get at is that you should watch this video. I promise you it's better than GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra.
Monday, January 6, 2014
The top 10 Worst Video Game Consoles
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Monday, January 06, 2014 |
Filed Under:
the 80s,
video games

One of the best things about growing up in the '80s and to a lesser extent the '90s was being exposed to all sorts of weird video game consoles. Back in the day a couple of yahoos in a garage could con a big company like Magnavox that everyone was going to want to tape plastic sheets on their TVs so they could play the worst Hockey game you've ever seen. What a time to be alive.
also the Apple Pippin.... lol
also the Apple Pippin.... lol
Friday, January 3, 2014
License those Links
Author: kevin n.
| Posted on: Friday, January 03, 2014 |
Filed Under:
gay marriage,
shia labeouf,
star wars,
wonder woman,

If you're not familiar with the story, The Beef made a short film that was essentially a adaption of a comic book by Daniel Clowes (Ghost World). Of course he did it without telling Clowes and without telling anyone else it was an adaption of a previous work. When he was first caught he apologized. Kind of. Every apology he tweeted was taken from a google search for apologies. Now he's spewing crazy on what is art and what is intellectual property. Seriously, the kid is cray cray.

I had two takeaways on the article. First off if Adrian Peterson had said the same things Kluwe did there's no way he would have been let go. Kluwe's words and actions aren't that controversial. I just believe they're too controversial in relation to his ability and that's the reason he hasn't found another job in the league. Why would a team want to deal with even a small distraction just to sign the 19th best punter in the league?
Second is that if Kluwe can be taken at his word, the special teams coach for the Vikings is a horrible person. If you ever want to know why most gay athletes don't come out until their careers are over you have to look no further than the guy the Vikings are seriously considering as a head coach.
Six Awesome Facts about the Sega Dreamcast
Here's 2 minutes of teardown footage of a Sega Dreamcast along with a few facts you may or may not know about the system. I wish it was a bit longer and had more facts but the Dreamcast was my favorite console of all time so maybe I'm a bit biased.
True Story time: I pre-ordered a Sega Dreamcast direct from Sega so I could get my hot little hands on it on 9/9/99 (Sega guaranteed shipment on launch day). Well what Sega does the Post Office Ninten-don't. 9/9/99 came and went and my Dreamcast hadn't arrived. So what did I do? I went to a small videogame store way out in the middle of nowhere and bought a system just so I could play it that weekend with all my friends. So until the following Monday when my pre-ordered Dreamcast arrived and I sold it to a friend I was the proud owner of two launch day Sega Dreamcasts. What a world...
True Story time: I pre-ordered a Sega Dreamcast direct from Sega so I could get my hot little hands on it on 9/9/99 (Sega guaranteed shipment on launch day). Well what Sega does the Post Office Ninten-don't. 9/9/99 came and went and my Dreamcast hadn't arrived. So what did I do? I went to a small videogame store way out in the middle of nowhere and bought a system just so I could play it that weekend with all my friends. So until the following Monday when my pre-ordered Dreamcast arrived and I sold it to a friend I was the proud owner of two launch day Sega Dreamcasts. What a world...
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Star Wars the 1980s Anime
I'll give whoever at NachoPunch put together this Star Wars 1980s anime some credit. I mean I'm not going to give them a ton of credit but I'll give them some. The idea of Luke's X-wing turning into a giant mech is pretty inspired. However, if you're going to pass this off as "lost" footage don't half ass it. Either make the title screen genuine (hint: not many cartoons from the '80s actually said they were from the 80s) and transfer it onto and off a real VHS tape a couple times or don't bother getting cute. Everyone knows you made this on a MacBook Pro.
The Raid 2: Berandal, the trailer
The Raid: Redemption is easily the best action movie I've seen in like.. I don't know. How old am I? 37 years? Yeah, let's go with 37 years. So the Raid 2: Berandal has a lot to live up to.
I like that this looks like it's an actual sequel to the first movie. Not some sort of Tony Jaa, everyone's riding on elephants for no reason kind of sequel. Also if this somehow helps get us a Dredd sequel that would be all the better.
I like that this looks like it's an actual sequel to the first movie. Not some sort of Tony Jaa, everyone's riding on elephants for no reason kind of sequel. Also if this somehow helps get us a Dredd sequel that would be all the better.
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