Friday, January 10, 2014

The Group Therapy Tour: The Review

So with some prodding from my wife and the help of a buddy at work I actually went out and saw a rap show last night. It was the Group Therapy tour: Schaffer the Darklord, Adam WarRock and Tribe one plus local guests Beefy and Death*Star. Now for a bit of context I'm not really a "going out" kind of guy. My friend Mike laughed at me when I was amazed at how my drivers licence glowed under the blacklight when they took our money at the door. I'm pretty sure the last time I had been in a club that need to see ID was about 8 years ago and the last time I actually saw a concert was nearly 17 year ago.

editors note: the following is in no ways a review or analysis of the content of any of the performers songs. All of these guys are quote unquote nerdcore rappers and what they do best is take pop culture references (specifically geeky ones) and layer them over stories of fear, acceptance, love, regret, etc. Essentially sometimes a song about Magneto is more than just a song about Magneto. Either you love this kind of music or you don't.

The Show was at the Lo-Fi in kinda-downtown Seattle. It's a big club? small club? I don't know. Like I said, zero frame of reference. There were at least 100 people there, probably more, and while it was pretty packed in front of the stage I didn't have to wait in line for a beer or to go to the bathroom. For someone who literally had to take anxiety medication to go out it was a pretty ideal crowd to space ratio. It probably helped that we sat up in this balcony area overlooking the stage that was mostly empty all night. I'm pretty sure most people either didn't know about it or thought it was off limits.

Beefy opened the show. He sounded great, I'm guessing he hasn't performed in a while as he forgot some lines a couple of times. Whatever, he played like 3 of my favorite songs so I didn't care. Tribe One went on next, he killed it. He did the two songs I really wanted to hear (Devil Rhymeosaur and I'm kind of a big Deal) so I was thrilled. After a short break Death*Star played. I had never even heard of Death*Star but they were pretty entertaining. They were a bit looser than everyone else but they had great energy and a live DJ so they get bonus points from me. In a way they were sort of a perfect middle act.

After another short break Adam WarRock went on. Not to say anything negative about the guys that went on before him because I thought everyone sounded great, but man... it's hard to describe but the energy and skill he showed, he was just on another level. It was a really great set. My only nitpick is that I wish he had played more songs off his new album. I guess it's tough coming up with a set list that will please everyone when you recorded over 100 songs in a year.

Schaffer the Darklord closed the show. Earlier in the night Adam WarRock had mentioned that Schaffer is every nerdcore rappers favorite live act. I know why. Killed it doesn't even begin to describe how good he was. I've had to re-write these couple sentences about a dozen times trying to describe it. Some performers suck live, like you watch them on SNL and you're like "jeez this stinks". STD's songs didn't just sound like the albums they sounded better. The extra emotion and energy he brought to each song while still being able to actually rap everything coherently was ridiculous. Half way through his last song I just threw up my hands and had to look away. The way he was delivering every line was just filthy. It was really amazing.

TL/DR The opening night of the Group Therapy Tour was rad and if you live on the West Coast you should check it out.




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