Man, nothing is happening today. Here's a picture of Tom Hardy (Inception, The Dark Knight Rises) in the Mad Max reboot: Fury Road. I have nothing to say about this, other than that I'm surprised it's taken them this long to do a reboot. Maybe some studio exec was holding out for Mel Gibson to uncrazy himself.
Christmas is going well so far, for all the friends out there I haven't talked to in a while. I avoided the shaft this year and got the big bonus, which is good because the Christmas budget has been blown. Also this whole fiscal cliff nonsense everyone has been going on and on about really could hit me straight in the crotch gout. If they axe a couple of those "middle income" tax deductions we could very quickly go from breaking even this year to owing like 2 grand. Now that I think about that, how can they do that? They can't raise taxes for the year that's almost over, they have to be looking at taxes for 2013, right?
Also my car still needs either a new Mass Air Flow sensor or a new Thermostat sensor. I think I'm going to buy a thermostat sensor first, it's harder to replace but it's the cheaper of the two parts and it would explain why my heater has been acting wonky lately.
I'll be taking next week off to stay at home with Logan. His daycare is closed the week of Christmas. Hopefully I can get him to watch a couple new movies with me. I'm going to go crazy if I spend the entire week watching Cars 2 over and over and over. Seriously who thought 'Mater should be the star of the sequel? He's the worst... ugh.
Saucony Progrid Omni 9 Mesh Running Shoes
29 minutes ago
We should do something next weekend, winter disc golf? No leaves makes the course easier. Or you could watch me play Far Cry 3.
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