Gas stations don't really make money on gas. Not only is this a great article on the economics of a gas station, in the comments section you'll find a terrific discussion on gas prices as a whole. Spoilers, every politician ever is lying to you about the price of gas.
The 7 Best Western-Themed Sci-Fi TV episodes. Is there anything better than sci-fi set in the old west? What? Cowboys and Aliens? Never heard of it.
Microsoft plans to further monetize xbox live users. So this rumor thing hit the web that in the 4th quarter of 2012 Microsoft is rolling out a plan to "further monetize" xbox live. No details or anything, just a vague reference in someone's linkedin profile. I can't believe there's so much outrage. You don't have to pay for xbox live you know. I'd rather have the option of paying a little more for xbox live than Microsoft just arbitrarily jacking up the prices on consoles or games.
Disguised Weapons Dealer on Craigslist. Oh man this is epic trolling. It's hard to describe what went on here, just click the link and enjoy the funny.
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