Read comics in Public Day is a thing now. I didn't get the memo, but August 28th was Read comics in public day. I instead celebrated watch 90210 reruns at home day. Spoiler: Donna Martin's attempted rapist was released from prison, oh no!
Why the super NES is the best console ever. This article could have just started and ended with Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
25 frightening photos of Hurricane Irene. Just because Irene wasn't the next Katrina doesn't mean it didn't destroy a bunch of stuff. Although it would have been cooler if that
shark picture had been real.
Not cool best buy. A Best Buy in Howell NJ jacked up the price of bottled water a diabolical amount just before Hurricane Irene hit. Although to be fair to Best Buy, it was Monster Water. It has a much clearer sound than other bottled waters.
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